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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Thanks guys, guess I'll wait till they open it up. That said, the immaturity on show from people leaving gaf is pretty breathtaking.
  2. Anyone know how to sign up on ResetEra?
  3. Metacritic at 97 and Opencritic at 98!
  4. @Hero-of-Time since you're farthest in the game, I was curious about the difficulty. That's my main worry in that everything looks quite easy, does the challenge ramp up? Likewise are there a decent amount of pure platforming challenges? @Blade happy to hear your thoughts too of course, or anyone else who has the game.
  5. Loving these impressions, making it the wait that much harder. Review embargo up at 2pm today, UK time
  6. Only game I've deleted off my Switch. Felt like a cheap iOS game, with the icon to match
  7. I'm sure they won't. I'm not someone who spends lots on free to play games but I'd be happy to put a few quid into this. Feels wrong to play a game the devs put time and effort in, for free.
  8. I'm surprised they're doing a sale at all, from all reports eshop games are selling very well at full price
  9. It's the only shrine I didn't enjoy, that's all I meant. Sure there were a lot of Test of Strength shrines but I didn't actively dislike any of them.
  10. Yep that shrine was awful. Good job the other one hundred and nineteen are great
  11. Glad to hear first impressions are good. Are the visuals nice? Sound? Is it just better control of Cappy you lose by going with the Pro controller?
  12. Have you played any more ??? Spoiler free impressions?
  13. I only played it docked, so couldn't say
  14. I think this looks really great. Way more fully featured than I expected it to be. Be interesting to see how much they charge for it, if anything. I suspect it'd make more money if it was free to play. Edit: oh, looks like it is free to play
  15. I'm surprised by the tepid reaction, I was actually very impressed with it. It's a lot more fully featured than I thought, to the point where I'm worried it'll eat into the novelty of any Switch game. Great presentation too.
  16. I personally wouldn't recommend Snake Pass. The visuals on Switch aren't good at all, it looks like the screen has vaseline smeared over it. The game lacks a fair bit of polish and the gameplay was too frustrating for me, gave up after 3 or 4 levels.
  17. Interesting! - No idea what this could be. Dillon's Rolling Western? - Great news on themes, free if you own the game sounds good too. - Metroid Prime 4: Dread? Footage in january and a possible Q4 release is much sooner than I thought. - Punch Out game coming?
  18. Nice Fierce Deity figurine! Yeah it's F4F, 25 inches from base to the top of the mast. The sail itself is made of cloth which is pretty cool. It's a lovely figure, it's just... a lot of money lol. I'll see if it looks ok on top of one of my living room shelving units, which also house these amazing 6" Mario+Rabbids figures which were worth every penny.
  19. Has anyone tried the Thimbleweed Park casual mode? I'm keen to play the game but don't want to get stuck for ages on obtuse puzzles.
  20. I've just gotten a serious case of buyers remorse. I bought this beast of of the Nintendo store for £350. To be fair, Wind Waker is my favourite game ever, and I think the figure is cool. I just wish it was smaller (and cheaper). I can still return it obviously, but yeah.... feeling a bit guilty now.
  21. Waggle is annoying but motion aiming in Splatoon for instance is brilliant and is as close to replicating the mouse and keyboard control that shooters are ideally played with. It's subtle movements, you're not waving your hands about.
  22. I hadn't really considered the mobile game could be a mere few weeks away, thought it might be a couple of months at least, but who knows? I've been trying to lower my expectations for the mobile AC game generally to be honest. I'm not expecting much, mostly because I don't think Nintendo care that much for the platform and see mobile mainly as a way of keeping their shareholders happy and making a few extra quid. We'll see I guess...
  23. Then again, maybe games just need to be more expensive which they arguably should be these days. I'd gladly pay an extra fiver or even a tenner for the bigger games if the publishers had a total mindset change.
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