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Everything posted by Jon

  1. I dont think so mate, I think its just happens with general wear and tear of the tv. My sound on my old tv has started playing up, just age i think.
  2. hmm, how long does it takt you in hours to take that trip
  3. I think he is referring to his automobile, though I may be mistaken.
  4. My favourite is the BFG from the Doom series.
  5. Don' worry dude i hate you as well, as do quite a lot of other people.
  6. That was me that said all that cool stuff :awesome:
  7. Not really a few schools do. Anyway, spain is that close by, it pretty far
  8. Lies!!!
  9. Very Funny Guy.
  10. Im with foxy, natwest all the way. Thats what i use, you get a solo card and access to online banking. Means i dont have to get off my arse to see how much money I have.
  11. Jon

    Whats up?

    What a great story, im sure you'll have fun here.
  12. You knows it to be true.
  13. Jon


    I believe he tried to replicate the famous johan cryuff penalty. Passing it to henry to score. The rules nowadays state that once the player has touched the ball [the player taking the pen] no other player from the same team can touch the ball until one from the oposing team has. The rules were changed to stop what johan cryuff did.
  14. I think your on the wrong site for this. Try Friends reunited , there pretty good for that sort of stuff.
  15. Nope, not me im afraid.
  16. As long as know one know about it, its all good.
  17. I think you guys are analysing it too much, just let it happen natural.
  18. Right, while browsing through old threas on the old boards I stumbled accros a thread called "CE Best friends". So i though why not one here. You can also put in most hated if you like. No flaming please and triple c no spammge either. People that i talk to on msn, offers, raining_again, tom, sarka, foxy. All the irc crew, ducky, ford, dom, schpick, particles, diets, kopo, ragdoll, piro etc and a few others that i think are nice people Dabooker cubechris platty ashley feirce LiNk Stocka athriller Probably others but that will do for now.
  19. GPX2 is the way to go, has linux can play avi's and you can make your own games for it. Ive already got my pre order in.
  20. Yeah friends was recorded in front of a live audience to start with. They then changed to just use recordings.
  21. Otis Lee Crenshaw is another funny american. He combines music and comedy and his redneck style whilst his style is preated in the us its rare over her EDIT: Triple C - a program's nationality isnt determined by where its broadcasted first.
  22. Father Ted is Irish humour, The republic of Ireland is not in the united kingdom, therefore cannot be considered british comedy.
  23. I prefer British Humour because it is more willing to mock itself and its subject, which imo means that it is less likely to take itself seriously in other subjects. Where as american humour can often be two dimensional.
  24. Jon

    PSP Giga pack

    why the ipod only plays music and just about video. The psp does that and a lot more.
  25. Hmm, one detects a hint of sucking up one admins ass.
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