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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Well its confirmed. It's not coming out in Q2 in Europe I AM NOT AMUSED
  2. So not worth a buy then? :/
  3. Sorry, maybe I've missed an episode but since when have things been strained between Nintendo and Camelot?
  4. Sega unfortunately
  5. So nobody has this game then? pah
  6. So I'ld have to switch my speakers from my decoder to a PS3 every time I use it?
  7. I have a rather stupid and possibly retarded question If you connect a PS3 via HDMI, how do you connect it to your 5.1 Surround System?
  8. Just because its a Ubisoft Port doesnt mean it sucks People said Rebel Strike on the cube sucked, but I've had endless hours of replayability on it. I love my Dogfighting games and sicne this is multip[layer, i'm more inclined to get it than heatseeker...I just want people's opinions on it :p
  9. Anyone actually played this to see if its any good? Reviews mean nothing to me now after the shoddy reception that Excite Truck got in reviews and how awesome it is
  10. Sonic keeps getting stuck and walks continually up through rocks or the sides of lily pads, unable to jump or go backwards or left and right on many occassions
  11. Yes I would agree with you on that. You can do small jumps though that dont really effect your speed
  12. The controls on this game are actually shocking. Many times it randomly goes backwards even when you dont want to. You're holding down the jump button but it keeps having you not jump but walk into blocks non stop Its shocking
  13. Some of the missions are unbelievably annoying. One getting 99 rings while running away from something that keeps hitting you even though you're going at the top speed
  14. You've waited this long...you can wait an extra day
  15. My Wii wasnt changed to Despatched until 11pm the day before it arrived (Launch Day)
  16. Na, this happened to me before with Lego Star Wars 2 Nothing to worry about
  17. Uh...there are crushings rings etc. in Versus mode o,o
  18. Well then depth is subjective. I view depth as spending hours doing something...perfecting it only to find theres a lot more to do
  19. And thus that = depth
  20. So I complete Diamond Cup and bam
  21. I keep messing up in Diamond Cup...
  22. Yeah, just look who reviewed it for Gamspot. Mr. I Hate The Wii. Excite Truck's controls arent responsive? He must be playing it wrong then. They should really fire that guy, he can't review at all. He makes all in our profession look bad. And he needs to ease up on the pies
  23. Super Excite Mode is full of hax. If it wasnt bad enough that I literally only just got the S Rank to unlock it (Pulled the star that put me at 260 on Canada through drifting over the finish line), the computer can like fly up from the slightest hill. Its insane
  24. Nintendo is also making money whereas even though the 360 is only £30 more than the Wii, Microsoft are losing money on every console sold. Nintendo did the smartest thing. The wii is selling like hotcakes. The games are coming in by the truckload in the coming year. They chose the best course of action
  25. My sister is going to be unbelievably good at Excite Truck because she does that as it is while playing Mario Kart :p
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