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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. The thing is, the higher ups in Nintendo, while they are pushing motion control, they are also realising that its not suitable for every kind of game and its only good when it fits
  2. Woo, I have all of those methods But I'll probably use old faithful. *hugs his Cube controller*
  3. I totally and completely agree with this statement. The classic controller is incredibly comfortable and easy to use. Sometimes while playing SNES games on the VC, I dont know if I'm using the D-Pad or Control Stick, its just so natural
  4. I don't run through them. I do flip over them many times as Toad though :p
  5. The computer cheats...cheats i say...CHEATS!
  6. Thats not what every other report has said...
  7. I'm a bit concerned about a lack of Widescreen in the screenshots :/
  8. Stargate is definitely the best. Battlestar never really hooked me in...it took itself way too seriously...Stargate on the otherhand doesn't lol
  9. FFS its ridiculous. Give us the game already
  10. Oh god yes. They need to do that
  11. For Pokémon, I would wager that Lucario is going to be in this. He was just made for it
  12. To be fair, it says you're 10% complete after the tutorial. Its still a relatively big game
  13. I'm actually enjoying this game now I'm into it. Although I dont see myself coming back to it as much as with Spiderman2. You cant pick up enemies, go up to the tallest building, jump and boot them off in this game
  14. Na...it isn't hard earned Despite the pop-in and the textures, I'm having fun with the game, it does feel a bit gimped but its still sorta fun
  15. I do like this game, but I agree with IGN on some bits. It feels sort of gimped
  16. My issue with the controls is because my brain is still set on the Cube controls from the second one. I always hold Z torun and so when in battle, instead of holding L to run like in the gamecube game, the left index finger presses and holds z and I fly off the building
  17. I've been on NTL and I've never experienced any major problems except for a week when a Lightning strike in my garden shorted everything out...but that wasnt their fault
  18. Mine's being picked
  19. We would have had that. They closed down the old eb one a few months back but now, lord knows what they'll do
  20. Damn. They have a monopoly going on. They just need to buy the Electric Company and the Waterworks...not to mention the Hotels on Park Lane
  21. Mine's Being Picked at this second. Along with Spiderman3 :p
  22. Gotta admit, I'm having thoughts about cancelling my pre-order of this. I understand and feel exactly what IGN UK is saying...its just too basic 6 months into the Wii's life
  23. Just pre-ordered this. I loved Spiderman 2 on the cube. Hope this doesnt disappoint
  24. I loved Spiderman 2 so I'm looking into this one, however what I liked about Spiderman2 was just laying back, relaxing...swinging everywhere, grabbing a person, swinging to the top of a sky scraper and kicking him off...but I can't really do that whil relaxing if I have to use the wiimote/nunchuck whenever I wanna swing...may invest in the PS3 version
  25. Is there anything other than missions in this game? Although I want a game like this, the multiplayer, or lack thereof, makes me a bit weary about this and I wanna know if there are any modes such as Endurance where you're pitted against god knows what Or is it just mission
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