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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Did they come in a general post delivery or courier?
  2. Don't forget that the majority of the stuff is in the game and maps are just allocation pieces and vectors which take mere bytes of data...it wont be that much in size
  3. You can only have the new stage for that day. Thats the point
  4. Bah...I ordered new Wrist Straps on the same day as the Jacket...didnt get email confirmation regarding the straps but I did for the Jackets...but yet the Straps arrived today and theres still no Jackets
  5. Least it gives the official site something to continue daily updates after release lol
  6. Now the so called hardcore players can have their own special map...a single platform
  7. Thats just what paranoid people are assuming
  8. Piece of Plastic...£5 Game which has been worked on which Nintendo obviously wishes to profit from...£15 Therefore £20 Logic
  9. Awesome...now I just gotta wait for Gameplay to add it so I can pre-order
  10. If you liked the battling aspects of stadium, then you'll love it...however, don't expect things like mini games in it
  11. November 1st or 2nd I think
  12. You do realise the controls are completely customisable right?
  13. 38/40...that sucks...I'm cancelling my pre-order now. It should have got 50/40 due to its awesome overly coolness... ...seriously tho...I wonder what they decided warranted the point missing from those two reviewers
  14. Yes it will have all the online features of te US Version. They never really take out big features such as that
  15. Pokemon is a handheld franchise. The actual developers (Gamefreak...not The Pokémon Company) have stated this on numerous occassions
  16. No truth to it. I'll eat my hat if it happens
  17. Gotta love the cynicism of the community. It gets loads of hands ons saying its great, just like Melee but better...but theres one which claims its slowed down (based on videos, it doesnt look like it has) and people go crazy
  18. Is it weird that this is one of the games I'm looking forward to most this winter? Come on NoE...give us the release date. Its gotta be before RE comes out...
  19. Woo, dont know if it was confirmed prior to this but the videos posted on gonintendo.com now show entry animations including Mario in the Pipe
  20. We had a new stage yesterday. I doubt they'll do another one
  21. Jeez...its just a game...calm yourself steggy lol
  22. Just before everyone "ZOMG GAMECUBE GRAPHICS" Seriously tho. Looks good Lookin forward to gettin it
  23. Altho Eurogamer has said that they got confirmation that we'll get it before the end of the year...I'm hating the lack of any release info. I wanna get a Zapper and this asap :p
  24. Figured I'd post this as nobody has. The Character Selection screen has been revealed. Courtesy of GoNintendo
  25. First screens, apparently from Nintendo Power
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