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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Don't bother with it. Just fill in the form at the Link I sent you and Nintendo will do it for you. Thats what I did and I have them
  2. But then you wont be able to play it lol
  3. If the character is of equal speed stat yes :p But the Speed stats make everything unsure
  4. Well still, most people complaining about the Zapper are more than likely not using that mode...
  5. Didn't I read that theres an option in the Options in this game that alters the game for Zapper Play?
  6. Its the bit where you're going up on the side one that kept screwing me over, I kept missing one.
  7. Rowing and Fencing are amongst the least fun events so yes it does get better
  8. Well it does. Its just how the Wii works. It processes everything at 720x480. 4:3 is 640x480 & 16:9 is 854x480. This is pretty much half way. Some games use it differently. Personally I think its lazy of them to do it like that :p I could just be going off on a tangent though :p
  9. Just try and stay in the middle. If needs be, shoot the cannon balls with the Star Bits to blow them up
  10. Game of the decade! Got the game 100% complete now. Woo. only bad thing is that its over
  11. The Wii's settings for 4:3 and 16:9 are quite weird. All games are in 720x480. It stretches it to a 16:9 resolution or shrinks to a 4:3 resolution as set Perhaps this will be the first TRUE 16:9 game...
  12. Just got my 120x2 star...time to beat Bowser again and see if this level was worth the effort :p
  13. Human Memory is rarely perfect. Play through it now...it'll take you less than Galaxy. Trust me. I replayed Mario 64 DS myself a few months ago. Got all 150 Stars in 2 days
  14. No offense, but you cant blame Nintendo or the game for that. At that rate if its true of completing Mario 64 in 7 months with 70 stars thats 10 stars a month, assuming you get only one star each time you play, you could only have played an average of once every three days. Either you're remembering wrong or you're just exaggerating the truth a bit :/
  15. Oh how far we've come. Look at that sky...its terrible lol
  16. That'd be due to them implementing their new system. Probably they changed the database structure and all that, thats why they had to take it offline
  17. Didn't they say at E3 that there were going to be several control options though? (Presumably Wiimote (Wii Wheel), Wiimote+Nunchuck, Classic Controller & Cube Controller) Thought they did but I cant remember 100%
  18. Hmm I should read the manuals sometime lol
  19. One of the first rules of web design...minimise any possible downtime If you are overhaulling a site, try and do a floating overhaul...have it running while doing it. If not then take it off for the time it takes to implement The fact is, they didnt start redesigning like yesterday...they probably have been doing it for months and now they have the implementation It shall be down for no more than a week at most
  20. Only got 21 stars left to get tho I prolly would have got them by now if it wasnt for Mario & Sonic :P Make that 16 The new Cosmic Comets really do piss me off...you have to constantly stay in right front of him to the point theres Star Bits flying everywhere. He's always long jumping and where possible you need to take as many shortcuts yourself. It really sucks. Done 2 of them...got 2 to go...they're gonna be the two stars remaining that will piss me off to no end...I can guarantee it
  21. Single Match Mode does it...
  22. Yeah when I use Nunchuck & Wiimote I'll use that as it seems doable...however I'll prolly go with Cube controller :p
  23. I've never had issues such as that. Weird :s
  24. I still dont see whats wrong with the tap jump. Its the Jump I use and I find it more efficient to do it through that than by moving my thumb to press the button
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