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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Chances are they're saving the release date update for the Dojo or for the next Europe Event (Thats in Jan isn't it? my memory fails me regarding events) In fact, the whole point of the Dojo is so everyhwere gets the data at the same time and so the release dates really cant be that far apart else they would have planned it differently...but thats just my opinion
  2. Someone make a N-Europe Post "Smash Bros NOT not around til Q3" and post all the evidence against these bastards and then spread the word :p
  3. This is the sort of Video Game Journalism that pisses me off...the scare mongering and such. Fuck inflated Review Scores and advertisers controlling reviewers. It's the purposefully feeding false information to try and either get hits or destroy the communities GO FORTH AND SPREAD THE WORD. Save me from this damned damage control. I get enough of it in the Pokemon Community...don't make me save the gaming community on my own :p
  4. I know I shouldn't but I'm going everywhere to do damage control because of that retarded video game site and their probably fake spokesman
  5. Please read what I posted ¬¬
  6. Don't. I'm confident it will get a March release. April at the latest. IT WILL NOT SLIP The Release List is incomplete. There is 1 Q2 listing...it wont be after Q2 GUARANTEED. The latest it will be out is the start of May and thats at a stretch. Them saying that if the games not on the list it wont be out til after Q2 is stupid and I bet fabricated. That videogames site may have edited it or fabricated it just to cause a scare tactic that will earn them hits. Trust me my friends Thats not how the Release Schedule is done. Q1 is Jan-March Q2 is April-June Of course they're wrong. With that statement they are claiming only one game will come out on the Wii & DS in Q2 from any publisher and that would be Mario Kart.
  7. I see the logic but it is flawed The release list released was Q1 not Q1 & Q2. Yes it had a couple of Q2 dates on it but it was Q1. This does not mean it wont be out until Q3 As for the "contacting" of Nintendo...it doesn't work like that... In fact there was 1 Q2 game on the entire list. It is hardly indicitive of the Q2...they're not going to have 1 Wii Game in April, May & June. People need to use their heads Sorry but I'm predicting April for this. I call April 19th
  8. Because its a non-nintendo game and therefore blasphemy obviously
  9. No can do amigo
  10. I have some sources
  11. They didn't publically, but I know otherwise
  12. Mine came in a Royal Mail Van
  13. Theres no excuse for them doing it. I know that the game has been pretty much complete for months. The delay was just for online tweaking. This is ridiculous
  14. Well NOE has released their Q1 Release LIst...Smash isn't on it
  15. Hmm the controls in the free walking mode can get screwy...I know it just screwed me out of loads of points
  16. Serebii

    Wii Fit

    I meant stuck to your leg with tape obviously :p You're the one who jumped to the conclusion :p
  17. Serebii

    Wii Fit

    There are other places you can put the Wiimote :p
  18. Gameplay have sent mine, they just didnt say its being picked. Havent had a problem with gameplay at all. I'm just pissed at internet shopping after how Play.com have screwed me the past couple of months...shipping things late, them arriving late (A DVD I pre-ordered months ago which came out on Monday only arrived today...I used to get them the Saturday before released and now I'm lucky if I get on release)
  19. None but the Wiimote straps were starting to fray and I'd rather be safe than sorry and risk destroying my tv and other various expensive equipment in my room
  20. Grr Gameplay still arent picking mine...if they dont by tomorrow I'll cancel and walk to the bloody shops and get it
  21. Cant beat the Sex, Drugs & Violence of Rockstar Presents Table Tennis. It kicks ass
  22. Silicon Valley? I want that game
  23. Technically aint Sin & Punishment 2nd party?
  24. I'm hoping it gets shipped for me in the next hour so I get it tomorrow :p Think I'll leave Wiimote & Nunchuck #4 in the Zapper most times as I rarely have 4 peeps over...havent used the 4th one since my birthday in July...have used the 3rd but not the 4th...
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