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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. As I said before, Pokemon was developed to be played on the go, as a handheld game. It cannot translate well to the console. The developers recognise this, I just don't see why other people cant
  2. Either Latios or Latias is released from the ball. They call the other and they fly into a randomly selected opponent in a X shape formation. One coming from top left one coming from top right
  3. Oh my god, everyone is harassing me for info I think I've screwed myself over by deconfirming rumours...I'm boned If I disappear for a while, you know whats happened :p
  4. Which is why I'm glad theres no voice chat Heck I turn it off on Halo to stop the arrogant little ***** going off on one when you manage to kill them
  5. When you select the option on the Wii to copy pkmn over, it will send wireless signals out. Then go onto the main menu before you go onto your save file and a new option will be there to connect to the wii Oh, and DP is better than GS and the others in oh so many ways
  6. Theres just a habit of people coming here, seeing my posts and going off on one :p
  7. I'm thinking Mid-April personally To all Smashboarders lurking to see if I leak anything...this is what we call speculation and not me trying to leak info. I have no idea when the real release date is
  8. Wow this game def. gets harder as you get in. On Rank 7 of the Level 50 Main Street Colosseum and like every trainer has at least one legendary and is now using even smarter tactics. It's brilliant
  9. FYI not all characters have been revealed obviously Many people are under the impression that they've only just been added when in the Dojo, this is by far not true
  10. You mean the punch...thats hardly fighting skills....
  11. Theres a trick. Press A when the Pokemon you want is 2 thirds of the wheel away from you (when coming to you) and it should land on it. However there is a margain of error
  12. Finally got it for Christmas It's a fun little game. I've had fun with it, feel the criticism is a bit idiot for the most part. People went into it expecting a completely different game and then since they didnt get what they expected they just say it sucks because of that. It'd be like going into Assassin's Creed thinking you had a Kart Racer, you'd be disappointed and pissed off But yeah, finally got to the point where its challenging, the CPU can get really tough and mean. Had a battle where they had surrounded me with toxic spikes and stealth rocks and kept roaring my Pokemon to make me switch out. Evil
  13. He probably will be. Tails is an assist after all IIRC. If Knuckles does become an assist, I think it'll be something like Knuckle Joe's maybe with a glide and an uppercut or somethin They wouldn't make Knuckles a character and leave Tails as an assist would they?
  14. Nintendo will have lots of aces up their sleeve, I'm sure of it
  15. Love the icey & snwoy landscapes Sakurai used. Really getting into the Christmas Spirit
  16. Now that I'd support lol And bring Mystical Ninja 64 to the VC
  17. I'm glad The less 3rd party characters the better It wasn't a few weeks, it was several months and what they said was that they were in talks, not that they hadnt been contacted at all
  18. Theres a youtube video of someone getting all 150 coins in Toy Time with plenty of time to spare and getting the star. Really makes ya feel ashamed that you cant do it lol
  19. Haha now thats just awesome
  20. One with good motion sensing or the ability to control without it if you do so wish
  21. Virgin Media? The entire country's Virgin Media network was dead Good comic tho
  22. Chances are its a joke. They're not gonna put in such minor characters into it
  23. Think of it like Stadium on the N64. You can get some use out of it without the games, but it severely limits you and would generally suck
  24. I think one might have. Not too sure, remember reading it ages ago
  25. Didn't Stafy appear in Super Princess Peach?
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