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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Its such a clone of Fox Kirby </SmashBoardOrGameFAQer>
  2. I want Brawl now dammit Part of me is tempted to get a JP Wii and it but whats the point :/
  3. I'm not so sure, they could have got all of that from forums, trust me And controller complaints shouldnt be an issue...there are 4 kinds, all customisable...its to find one good for you, one you will enjoy. The one you're using isnt making things easy? Change it up a bit!
  4. Thats not a friday It wont be release day unfortunately
  5. Shame I cannot review it for a while as I won't have the game til its out here My review would be brilliant...I never miss a thing...my work speaks for itself
  6. Not yet, some are unlockable and wont be known for a while
  7. Could be random You guys seen some of the reviews on GameFAQs...they're laughable Here's a few funny tidbits "After you turn off all the items and ignore the graphics upgrades, you will soon forget this is Super Smash Brothers Brawl for the Wii. " "Gameplay is simply horrible compared to past Smash Bros. games. Right from the beginning, the game seems slower than Captain Falcon's "Falcon Punch" from the original SSB. Physics have changed the gameplay drastically. No longer can you expect to perform great combos from a distance. No longer can you lunge at your opponent. The game has become more aerial move-based, but it's bad in that sense too. For a close combat character, fighting becomes difficult. For a projectile using fighter, projectiles are easily dodged. Gameplay is very floaty and annoying. It's incredibly hard to get used to." "The control is just weak. I mean, you allow the game to be played with just the Wiimote. You understand that not everyone can afford controllers. Why offer the option if that mode just sucks? I can barely pull off a combo with this weakness. Sure, I could plug my nunchuck in and play using that, but I can't stand doing that. So I'm going to review it as if I only had the Wiimote, a mode they allow, but suck at. gg nintendo" "The fact that most of you will be using a Gamecube controller certainly won't help either. The only major difference between the two is the absence of wave-dashing, which is really hard to adjust to in the beginning. All the old techniques are still present, such as Directional Influence, L-Cancel, teching and anything else I might have missed. There are also other minor differences, such as an overall slower feel to the game, a toned down DI and an increase in difficulty to execute short hops, but that might be just me. I must add I also disliked how the Shielding feels in this game. It's very different from Melee and not in a good way." The last one was soon followed in the same review with: "What I really want to stress though, is that absolutely nothing has changed from Melee to Brawl. " They're hilarious. Most of them are clearly done by people who havent played it. One review gave it lots of praise except for controls and gave it a 5/10 just for that lol
  8. Because they're idiotic non-journalists (actual ones wouldnt do something this stupid...trust me, I am one) At the start of the SSE from what I can tell, everything is seperated which is why it doesnt make sense, but before long it all comes together...if they waited before saying shit like this they would know that And their saying of how characters play before they even have access to them just reeks of unprofessionalism and just general ignorance IGN have gone down a lot in my respect books for this
  9. And today on IGN, we're going to talk about how characters that we have yet to unlock play and tell you that a story that we're only 35% through doesnt make any sense and isnt interconnected despite the fact we're barely a third of the way through it..aswell as the fact that bosses in a fighting game arent strategised like bosses in an RPG and so are like bosses in fighting games OH THE HUMANITY We're great journalists us lolz
  10. The term looking for things to hate springs to mind
  11. I cant remember but didnt Reggie say at E3 that MK has a variety of control methods?
  12. Krystal cant do the hardcore Fox with massive damage attacks.
  13. My source didnt mention it. I think he would have if it was, but I dont know
  14. Awesome. Need a new enemy, my last few thousand are dust now afterall
  15. Mewtwo has a trophy in-game He was cut to allow for more representation of the later Pokémon games. As Pichu was cut and P.Trainer added, all the reps were 1st gen. Pikachu is the mascot, Jigglypuff is popular with Pokémon & Smash players, so they had to cut Mewtwo. Besides, Mewtwo wasnt really liked that much as a playable
  16. Yep I did...not that it matters now anyway lol
  17. Indeed, I know for a fact that the roster was decided ages ago as it is
  18. Probably a load of bullshit Final Smash montage...all characters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HU_AJbx10Q
  19. After the 35th character (depends on the order) is unlocked...theres a message congratulating you on unlocking all the characters
  20. I've been saying it for weeks...
  21. Most of the self proclaimed competitive players though are like that...thats what my issue is with. The proper ones I don't mind as they know to have fun aswell
  22. All the competitive players are a joke really. If you dont have the skill to win when combatting random attributes then you arent that good of a player
  23. Its almost as annoying as those who claim Lucario is a clone of Mewtwo just because he has the same Neutral B attack...everything else is different
  24. It makes them fatties
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