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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. You Evil Modchipper :P
  2. I'm mentally weak :P When it comes out in EU, I'll give the US version and freeloader to my sis...or sell...whichever i feel like doing :p
  3. And what makes you say that? I've been broken...have ordered a US version and a Freeloader haha
  4. What Nintendo is doing is bad business practice. It should be released within a cuople weeks of the dojo ending...else the hype machine has gone for it They're being totally foolish I'm gonna try and call in a few markers and see what I can find out although I'm hedging bets on June 6th as it was a NOE staff member who said it at those awards. Yes he's french, but still, we cant hold it against him.
  5. Grrr...come on Nintendo, quit arseing us about ¬¬ With each passing day it becomes harder not to take the urge and import :/
  6. I don't know the date :P I just logically cannot see it being any later than June 6th
  7. Wouldn't break even. I'm content waiting
  8. Johnny 5...is alive!
  9. It will not be September...I promise you Oh and the time loading the freeloader and all that will quickly add up each time you play it and before long you will have waited 3 months for Brawl anyway. My way limits it, the freeloader way adds it cumulatively
  10. It wont be September. It will be June They didnt confirm it wasnt the date, they just said that the date hasnt been revealed blah blah blah Besides, the June 6th date came from one of the high-ups in NOE You have to load the Freeloader every time, even if you left the Brawl disk in, which is infinitely more annoying
  11. I woul;d do it but I dont want the fuss of having to use the freeloader every time, and the risk of it not working due to updates to the Wii and so forth so I will reluctantly twaddle on and wait for June 6th
  12. Damn straight Oh dear, shame comrade
  13. Everyone who imports the game is a communist COMMUNISTS!
  14. 3 Months 1 Day and counting ¬.¬
  15. That Item encyclopedia on the dojo is nothing compared to some on the itnernet :P
  16. Just think of them as alternate karts then
  17. *cough*
  18. Damn BrawlCentral...trying to steal my thunder...bastards Hmm, after the item page is done...how can I one up them *considers a Complete Sticker Section :p*
  19. The graphics look terrible in some of these pics
  20. Other way round :p
  21. He has a Charge and Shoot attack, and he flips when he jumps therefore he is a clone in the eye of some
  22. So gatoman, the Lucario art is out and you haven't gone crazy...explain :p
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