Well I agree that they should have done it with just one, but still, it doesnt make them evil or anything. Just means you have to spend an extra 20 seconds adding friends....big whoop
Ah...if its a movie then movies arent in 16x9. They're in 2.39:1 which is wider and as such on widescreen tvs they have the black bars
And since nobody is talking bout it...
What other stages you guys want in it?
Technically you get Link's Crossbow Training with the Zapper
You must have had a strange bazooka...if it eats missiles afterall...mine tends to throw them up :p
Super Scope isnt meant to look like a Gun tho, its meant to look like a bazooka and it does that well
Got this game on my X'mas list. Hopefully one family member will buy it
I needed them. Mine were way too flimsy and thin and I have a lot of kit in my room which could do without being broken. Not to mention one of the straps had the plastic filling come out of the cloth bit