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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. All previous Pokémon are pretty much identical...some with just added quirks like the Electrodes that dont explode
  2. Both Mew & Celebi will drop Stickers & CDs and other collectables btw
  3. I have just become suspicious of everything that mentions cake these days lol
  4. Great stuff as usual Sprout...but why do I get the feeling a Portal related pun may occur :p
  5. Yes you do if you fill in the form on that page
  6. I agree. Ah well though, its still cool
  7. Well I agree that they should have done it with just one, but still, it doesnt make them evil or anything. Just means you have to spend an extra 20 seconds adding friends....big whoop
  8. Even tho they announced it ages ago, everyone is going apeshit as if that update never happened I really dont see the problem with friend codes ¬¬
  9. Hell, why not get both...thats 2 for the price of 1 game with a plastic shell included!
  10. The joke got old like yesterday guys :p
  11. Controls are more slippery making some stars harder. Cosmic comets are completely different
  12. Wait until after 120 stars...you'll be cursing even more
  13. Ah...if its a movie then movies arent in 16x9. They're in 2.39:1 which is wider and as such on widescreen tvs they have the black bars And since nobody is talking bout it... WOO MELEE STAGES COMING BACK What other stages you guys want in it?
  14. Weird, Nintendo.co.uk and Nintendo-europe.com havent been working for me all day. Curious
  15. This is promising...the official sites wont load lol
  16. Technically you get Link's Crossbow Training with the Zapper You must have had a strange bazooka...if it eats missiles afterall...mine tends to throw them up :p
  17. If your DVD is displaying Widescreen with the black bars, it is possible and likely that you have it set in the DVD Player's Settings to output in 4:3
  18. Royal Raceway...I dont remember that...I should really dust my N64 off and play it again lol
  19. Super Scope isnt meant to look like a Gun tho, its meant to look like a bazooka and it does that well Got this game on my X'mas list. Hopefully one family member will buy it
  20. Well i'm taking the wait and see approach. Nintendo wont let me down
  21. Just goes to show where all the Wiis are going and why England is constantly out of stock
  22. Why don't you play it before you say whether it feels classic or not?
  23. I needed them. Mine were way too flimsy and thin and I have a lot of kit in my room which could do without being broken. Not to mention one of the straps had the plastic filling come out of the cloth bit
  24. Don't bother with it. Just fill in the form at the Link I sent you and Nintendo will do it for you. Thats what I did and I have them
  25. But then you wont be able to play it lol
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