Wow the VC and the Shop are so efficient. Just bought 3000 Wii Points on it (I thought I was going to have to go out and buy some but now thats efficient
Well if thats the case I wont just trying to settle my paranoia :p Thanks though
Dont spose you have any ideas when more Wiimotes will come in?
Yeah it has, my friend at Virgin says they expect some next week
I still am amused by the fact that Gameplay are great and all, but they send me 3 Nunchucks and not the 2 Wiimotes to go with them :p
I've worked outm that if I go to Uni, it'llarrive at 9...if I skip Uni, it'll arrive at 5. I'm gonna risk it though :p
Dammit, still Being Picked. I have a bad feeling about this
Go for a brisk walk, go to the shop, get some provisions for your Wii playing Weekend...Pepsi, Chocolate etc. come back for Half Past, hiding in the shrubs waiting for your mum to goand once shes driven off, jump in to the house
'tis a good thing that their closest depot to me is in Basingstoke. Not that far away so even if they send it out at 4am I'll still get it at 9 :p
Missing one lesson doesnt matter...just skip it :p
To be fair, Wind Waker isnt the best thing to show it isnt so defined and whatnot...I may make a Twilight Princess version of my TV pics soon
Still Being Picked