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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. There is a hub world though. It's the big mario head and it grows as you get further in the game. Its just instead of going to many different rooms to get to new levels, you follow it in navigation
  2. Joystiq have a new video and impressions which cover 2P mode, Cloud Mario and the Super Guide equivilant http://www.joystiq.com/2010/04/21/super-mario-galaxy-2-co-op-and-cloud-power-up-preview/ Also another trailer here, has some of the same footage as the other; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qleVPr10PRw
  3. Watching weekly Lost, Fringe, V, House, Stargate Universe, Ashes to Ashes, Doctor Who, How I Met Your Mother, The Cleveland Show Catching up on None Waiting To Start Again Lie to Me, Torchwood, Heroes, The Inbetweeners, The Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, American Dad Want to catch up on Bones Want to start watching None (Just started watching V) Wishing had never been cancelled Star Trek: Enterprise, Stargate: SG-1 Wishing was fucking cancelled already Glee
  4. Facetious....partially because it has got every vowel in it, in order, but also because I'm always being facetious Also, if you want to be a pedant who wishes to include y as a vowel, you could have facetiously, as in "Joe is acting facetiously"
  5. He steals from everyone, his account was even suspended because of it, then when people get videos with stolen stuff removed, he makes videos bitching about it (and then removes them). In the run up to HGSS, he also made up loads of things, such as Hoenn being in the game (with fake screenshots to justify it), just to get more subscribers. Whenever somebody posts on his video or channel stating these things, he usually deletes the comments so people still believe he's a "good user"
  6. That guy is a complete douche. He's done enough to cause almost all the major players in the Pokémon Community to hate him
  7. May have been posted here, not sure.
  8. Ok His positronic pathways were linked to his powersource. The Daleks set his powersource to overload. In thinking back to his life, he was able to disable the overload in the same way that the human mind can increase/decrease blood pressure, heart rate and so forth.
  9. I have a theory that Amy is a time lord :p Regenerated into a child, fobwatched. Explains the lack of parents, lack of knowledge of Daleks etc
  10. I think, therefore I am! Sarah Jane Adventures Series 4 News. It's a big one!
  11. Just got a message from game saying they've reduced the price to £30
  12. Yeah, that's part of why they're there every year. Last year, apparently The End of Time would have featured the Time Lords actually working with the Daleks but RTD scrapped it when he found out of Moffat's plan for the Daleks and so just included them for a minute in Waters of Mars Still, I've seen the new Daleks in HD and they look a bit better, but I prefer the gold ones
  13. As opposed to the Daleks in episode 6 of the first season of the revival? :P
  14. Closer inspection through video shows it to be Chikorita, Piplup and Pikachu Not for a month. The synopsi for the next episode makes no mention of it
  15. We have a picture that shows what appears to be a map of the city It has several piers, the big buildings in the middle and seemingly exits at the top and left of the city. It is likely that this city is loosely based on Hiroshima and so the region could be based on Chugoku like I have predicted
  16. We know not all areas will be like this
  17. Would you guys count curved movement around the city as diagonal? :P
  18. I think the ash cloud is a bit higher than the average altitude of rain clouds
  19. It's got me a few jobs so I'd say it's good enough :p
  20. I just have the feeling that they're going too far with the retro. Sure, callbacks to the past are fine, but we need to look forwards, not backwards, despite the wibbley-wobbley timey-wimey
  21. We know for a fact that it's on the standard DS
  22. Yep. Gravity Bubble. Was mentioned as one of the things the robot dreamt up
  23. They did say they had to have a massive budget cut. They said we wouldn't notice...I can notice :/
  24. That was a good episode, but I dunno...the last 3 episodes have left me with the feeling that they're missing something...maybe it's the change in everything. Though the new Daleks do look like the iPod Nanos somewhat :p
  25. Well don't expect to know about the starters until July at the earliest New information will come every month. That's more than most games get
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