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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. It essentially has that...We just know it in depth
  2. I don't see that bit happening BUT I do see something happening See this gangster wannabe? I have a theory that it is a teaser for genetic differences in Generation V. As we know, the Pokémon get their species from their mother and their attacks from their father. What if, they also get some minor physical attributes too. It's just a theory though.
  3. I don't really see that happen. A Pre-evolved Scyther may happen, but not an evolution of Scizor. It's too badass to evolve
  4. No I don't think enough is enough. 493 things aren't hard to remember, I can do it easily. (Though that could just be because I'm brilliant and have a near eidetic memory) Chances are it'll be like DP. They'll have a Region-specific Pokédex which has most of the new ones and a few old ones, then later you get access to the rest. I don't get why people want them to remove Pokémon. What possible reason is there to remove them? If you don't like them, don't use them. It's as simple as that.
  5. When RS came out, there was no way to get 184 of the old Pokémon. This was HATED by people. They're not going to make that mistake again
  6. Vote for me, I couldn't possibly do worse than the others :p
  7. I assume you used a Ground, Grass or Electric type then?
  8. You can get one in Route 25 as stated, by one in the Pokéathlon Dome on certain days, it's a Bug Catching Contest prize and a trainer will call and give you one randomly
  9. I dunno, it feels like it's lacking Bass for me. Won't know for sure if I love it til I get the BluRays pumping in my surroundsound
  10. Check me and my Poké-Knowledge :P
  11. It's using it's hold item I'm assuming it has the Quick Claw attached?
  12. That is so awesome and so true
  13. Very little. I've walked about 150,000 with my Eevee and it has yet to be able to evolve
  14. Just wait til you're trying to get a Torchic in Sightseeing when it's released :p
  15. Nor does it cause them to slap you and force you to register on a sex offender's list :p But that's only you :p
  16. It could also be that the person's DS's clock is back a year or so
  17. Thankfully the CGI for some of the future eps looks great
  18. I worked out who he reminds me of in terms of his dress sense
  19. Well I enjoyed that ep, felt new and yet fit right in All my concerns over Matt Smith are gone Although....the CGI looked like it's gone back on the quality somewhat. While the CGI in the previous seasons wasn't exactly Avatar style, it at least had a realistic look and feel to it. Here, it felt somewhat slapped on Oh, and while the new theme tune has yet to grow on me, the music in the ep was great. Murray Gold is a genius
  20. Or, if they use them, they use it for things like this. Things that advance the plot, not send characters home to cry that their ex has a kid and that they forgot a boat in a drawing
  21. You've gone this far with your HGSS team, why change for the final battle
  22. As we know, the new games are said to be revealled in the next issue of CoroCoro, due out on the 15th of this month. However, the first details about the Pokémon Sunday episode airing on April 11th state that they're going to reveal the games in a "shock announcement" in the episode. Normally, we get CoroCoro leaks before or around the 11th so it'll be curious to see which releases the news first. We'll keep you updated the second the news is announced so keep checking back. From my site
  23. I still manage to win on this, just not by as much a margin I do on MKWii and do on this against my friends
  24. Don't forget to get Lapras in Union Cave today folks
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