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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. As did I. I had a feeling that that was what may happen in the build up but it still shocked me
  2. Eh? I thought I responded to them lol I dunno, I'll hold off to see how it goes then, if Nintendo doesn't kill them, I may crank one out for Black & White's US launch Speaking of my site, I fixed up the Game Mechanics section today so people may actually be able to find it http://www.serebii.net/games/mechanics.shtml It may help you all </ShamelessPlug>
  3. Just use my site. It's efficient enough :p
  4. I have a feeling Nintendo may not be happy with that. I've considered doing one but worried about legal rammifications, especially if charging for it, so decided not to as they can just access the site
  5. Giant World is back
  6. We have the final bits from CoroCoro released. No new images have been unveiled, but they do promise that in the next issue (due out Saturday May 15th), in addition to brand new information about the upcoming games, they're going to reveal how to obtain Zoroark. Whether this means a special means and you breed it to get Zorua or an explanation of how Zorua will evolve into Zoroark remains to be seen. We'll bring more details as and when it comes and expect clearer pictures soon.
  7. Well the bush you get it with helps narrow it down First ! Bush = Group C Second ! Bush = Group C or Group B !! Bush = Group B or Group A ! Bush = Group A
  8. FINALLY caught Zapdos today
  9. The animé is designed for 8-12 year olds. While some older people do like it, the vast majority of game players do not and some even blame it for destroying and transforming the franchise into one looked down upon as if it was kids. The more distance they have, the better
  10. I had a bee land in my hair last week. That was a bit surprising
  11. Ah, but the original artwork resembles the anime stuff closer than the Green or Red/Blue sprites
  12. That'd be god awful and would alienate a significant portion of the fanbase
  13. It's more the failed attempt from a location on the other side of the planet that flagged it up by them
  14. Be thankful. At least Gen 4 and Gen 5 Pokémon wont have 8 bit sound cries
  15. On two days when I signed in in the morning, it told me that someone had tried to get into it so they disabled my account and asked me to confirm if it was me or not.. I didn't follow a link or anything. This was through my usual bookmarks. I also don't log into facebook off of my PC
  16. In theory yes. However, the father is the only one who passes moves
  17. I'm just glad there's been no Earth based eps since its back :p
  18. I, among others, believe this game is set in a region based upon Shikoku or Chigoku. These two areas in Japan are connected by a bridge. If correct, then you'll go to the other one afterwards making it a two region game with two new regions. It is something of which I completely approve
  19. That's it exactly
  20. Evolution 3 is not referring to a third evolution of a Pokemon but rather a 3rd change from the previous things following intense battle scenes and realistic towns
  21. Catch it on iPlayer I thought they explained that. Can't remember the explanation as my brothers girlfriend was a bit too talkative throughout (Don't you hate that?) but I remember it being stated. Will have to rewatch
  22. That's just really observational stuff from the pics...
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