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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. The same way that the dictionary writes them
  2. Spoken word then yes it's awesome However, written down the language is pretty much the same barring some us, zs and ss across the world and so it should be written down either like that or written down completely phoenetically
  3. Oh god I remember that. It was horrible to read it. It was like trying to read a text message from a mentally delinquent 13 year old chav with no arms. I'm sure they're trying to get a point across but don't actually write like that. If you're going to write a bloody poem, use the language accurately.
  4. It was unrelated anyway as King's Rocks cause flinching more often :P But still :P
  5. You just Critical Hit me
  6. From what I read, the BBC are the ones that requested the new Daleks
  7. So, I've been looking at helicopter piloting lessons today. Am really really tempted to do it. Think I may book one of the trial lessons to see if I have the nack for it. Only £270 so why not Sure I don't drive a car, but why drive when you can fly!
  8. Third version, a combination of Black & White Pokémon Chessboard - Pawn to King's Rook 3!
  9. They bloody went a bit more mental with their interpretations of some of these lol
  10. Better than the last couple of weeks. Though with timeshifts it usually goes up by 1 and a half million so we're looking at 8 million for this episode
  11. Yeah but Generation is a fan term :P
  12. The BBC have apologised for the digital on screen graphic http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8642854.stm No indications that it wont happen again though
  13. 4 Episodes left, counting the 2 hour finale as 1 episode
  14. Thing is, they did advertise it then as well
  15. Only once. 1997. Pokémon GS was originally called Pokémon 2. There's even official logos around
  16. Me too. It was refreshing after the slight disappointment last week
  17. Well in that case, I think my previous post could apply here
  18. It could also be a loop. Lights on, Doctor et al see the angels, the angels are looking another way and see other angels. The loop continues until lights out.
  19. Someone else could have been looking at them?
  20. Eh? I noticed no different use of the angels here than in Blink
  21. You'd be wrong. There's no mention whatsoever in the episode synopsis on the official sites of anything to do with Black & White being in the episode.
  22. Still, I'd rather be oblivious, that's part of the fun of Lost
  23. If any of you post it here, I'll beat you to death with it :p
  24. No, they said it was never on the cards according to the report I saw
  25. Thank god! Fox and BBC decided not to do the Torchwood USA they planned to do
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