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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. We should get crisp screens on Thursday
  2. Nature is running out of ideas.
  3. "Say, we need a seal Pokémon to evolve into a bigger seal Pokémon. Hey, how about we take a seal, make it white and call it SEEL. Genius. These are innovative ideas!"
  4. So in the last week, facebook informed me of two attempts to get in to my account This morning, a friend has a go at me for sending her an invite to a group about "I want a beach body for summer 2010". Someone actually got into my facebook. This is impossible though as my passwords aren't exactly generated a normal way
  5. That is all ridiculous speculation Without obnoxious watermarks too
  6. It wasn't really subtle :p
  7. CoroCoro still said Nintendo DS
  8. Amy. Wet nighty. Enough Said A+++++++++++ Seriously though, it was a good episode. Not the best but good. Liked the references to the Doctor's past encounters with the monarchy and the twist at the end. Was shocked that the Doctor was so willing to just send Amy home after that.
  9. Generation is determined by the core mechanics behind it. These change drastically in each generation. Each generational shift comes with new Pokémon and in each generation a slayer is born. Generation I; Green, Red, Blue, Yellow Generation II; Gold, Silver Crystal Generation III; Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald Generation IV; Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver Generation V; Black, White
  10. Count your blessings. The GBA games almost pushed me out of the franchise
  11. They're pacing the stuff :p
  12. They're going all out
  14. It essentially was, albeit more like a dozen. They decided to push it through before Parliament dissolved meaning very few MPs would have been there to vote
  15. I've had to destroy discussions of implied racism in this multiple times today. Not.Fun. Ironically, guess what the word for Black in Spain is. It doesn't help :p
  16. That's just depressing enough to make me cry
  17. The fact that the government is doing this based on people who can't even get their acronym association right is ridiculous.
  18. I heartily endorse this event or product I don't do illegal stuff on my network, but it still concerns me :/
  19. It's over. It's all over.
  20. Now now, don't say things like that or people will believe lol
  21. The fact labour pushed this in so quickly before parliament dissolves, with most ministers not bothering to show up to stuff, really really irks me.
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