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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Nuts to taking anything, just sit next to someone and chat. Make friends!
  2. Still think the guy in the band is me after using time travel and yeah, though if I'm with a person, don't call me serebii in case they don't know lol

  3. Ah, fair enough. I shall have to destroy them and take their soul so there are no lookalikes. Bad enough that guy in that band in the 70s has my exact face.


    Don't worry about interrupting if you see me in the future though

  4. You're the second person to say they have seen someone looking just like me this week. Apart from getting a Euromillions ticket on Monday, I haven't been out all week due to illness.



  5. Nope, didn't even know a road like that existed in Bournemouth. Why do you ask?

  6. I watched a Starfox trailer, a Resident Evil trailer and a Tales of the Abyss trailer on the Japanese eShop and they weren't of low quality, and nor was the 3D
  7. The videos on it are all streamed rather than downloaded too, which is what should be the case Doesn't have the E3 videos though
  8. Compared to the UK one, there's just so much...even Wii trailers
  9. Not a fan of Jam? It's a show of acquired taste. Some bits are hilarious, some bits fall flat
  10. I'm really enjoying the amount of videos and content on the Japanese eShop
  11. Thanks, I hope so true. I keep trying to organise nights out, but they keep turning into generic gaming nights and then will probably be dropped
  12. I've never really gone to gaming stuff, but I am looking into going to E3 next year
  13. Social Low isn't quite as extreme enough. It just gets me, a friend of mine in another town was similar but managed to sort it out, and that's just making me feel a bit worse tbh. Just wish my friends would be as proactive as his are now...
  14. It's not just the intimacy issue, it's everything in general...lack of socialness because of the friends not wanting to do things. I'd be relatively happy with the lack of intimacy if my friends were doing more things
  15. Really in a depression spiral atm. Trying to focus on other things but the loneliness is just getting to me. It doesn't help that atm, my friends are almost never up for doing stuff, and when it is, it's just stuff round a flat (Usually it's plans to go out which turn into that, if they even occur at all), never out so I will seldom meet people. Stuck in a dry spell of over 4 and a half years :/ I would get a part-time job to expand the social circle, but I really can't spare the time. I'm just stuck and nothing seems to be likely to bring me out of it
  16. That said, my boss checks my FB constantly, and he's a real hardass... I'm self-employed...
  17. Just gotta be careful. That's why I don't share many of my plans often, just my moaning or random comments involving various animals
  18. Only problem I have with it is it'll mean 9 months of no DW rather than 6 months followed by 3 months
  19. 13 Episode run running September to November? I could live with that
  20. And, considering the 3D on the 3D trailers is minimal and compressed to hell, it's going to be amazing
  21. I find that it requires a few seconds of holding it for it to do that though
  22. Got my Japanese one today, Street Passed myself and so forth
  23. My weight keeps shooting up lately, combination of depression and parents thinking I'm anorexic so buying me unhealthy things they know from history that I have no self control with :/ 4lbs gained in a week. Not good. Nicely done. Congrats
  24. My ID requirements are directly proportional to my beard growth. As I can't shave every day due to my skin cutting up a treat, I usually leave it a week and have a beard. First day after shaving; ALWAYS ID'd as I look 16 Second day after shaving; Usually ID'd as I look 18 Third onwards; Rarely as I look 24
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