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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. They still believe 16m by the end of fiscal year is doable
  2. I'm expecting Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire to be included here
  3. When I first read 20 free games, I figured it'd be like Sony's thing and have mostly shit but one or two good ones...but this <3
  4. These are the NES games, not the GB games
  5. I really hope you're right. What this reminds me of is the massive price cut 6 months after the N64's release
  6. Plus it says we will get updated versions when they go live indication 3D enhancements?? I do worry though, this does smack of desperation People do miss the fact that the 3DS launch was one of Nintendo's most successful launches, but it's being pegged as a failure :/
  7. I'll see if I can get any confirmation Yep, confirmed. Europe too. http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/3ds-euro-price-cut-from-august-12th-free-games-announced/082502 This is after Nintendo recorded loss in revenue :s
  8. That smells fake to me. 20 free games? Please Edit; Oh, just saw a press release
  9. A friend of mine, who ordered later than me, received hers...but I have yet to get mine
  10. I know exactly what you mean. I had this going on; to the point it sometimes got like this; Now, I've changed it...I feel awesome, I get looks, I look even more awesome (it's meant to be spiky but hard to see in the dark shots) It really does help, a change is always good for the soul
  11. Seen a few new ads (at least I think they are new) where they are furthering the point that the 3DS is not a DS. Made me laugh
  12. According to Famitsu, the main game takes like 20 hours to go through How awesome is that?
  13. You should go with the short hair. I had fairly long hair for a while and had it done short recently and everyone has been liking it. It brings more looks from females and is just generally better, plus easier to maintain. I don't regret it and a friend of mine was the same, went from long to short and is also getting more attention. My situation still sucks though because my friends STILL don't do anything :/ Try to get them out once a week, but it's so hard to and as such, I still don't meet people
  14. Trust the internet to do that
  15. It's available again now. They probably realised the people complaining didn't open it all the way :p
  16. We'll do our best. Unfortunately, it sucks that hospitals have such short visiting hours
  17. Thanks, I feel so bad for her...she hates hospitals. Both when she had the heart attack, and even this morning, she asked my uncles not to call the ambulance for it. I just hate seeing her so weakened :/
  18. I did. When I'm in game coverage mode, I barely leave my work environment.
  19. My nan had a stroke at some point early this morning. We didn't know until about 9:30am when she wasn't picking up her phone. She's now in hospital and will be for at least 6 weeks. It's affected her left side and she has slurred speech now :/ This comes just 7 months after she had a heart attack, just as she was returning to normal activities
  20. Already had my celebrations lol
  21. Must be. But now everyone's doomsaying because of it
  22. Apparently, the black 3DS is "under review" on US Amazon due to people claiming it has hinge issues
  23. Japanese launch has been delayed to August 11th. I think the recent typhoon may be the reason
  24. Ah, but without the news that Matt Smith was replacing David Tennant, or the set reports from the filming, we'd not have been sure whether this was ending it or whether he'd regenerate. Besides, with the Matt Smith stuff, that could be explained away easily. The Doctor in the show is 908 years old. The one that died is 1100+. A lot happens in 200 years :p
  25. Same reason for the suspense with The Doctor thinking he was going to die when we knew Matt Smith was coming...it's for entertainment. Entertainment shouldn't be written with the thoughts of contracts and leaks coming out. Anyway, looks like it's coming August 27th
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