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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Na not usually. Doctor Who isn't normally split in two though, which is why this occurred
  2. Nope. Torchwood still has 4 episodes left.
  3. Route 18, Dreamyard, Relic Castle, Cold Storage, Chargestone Cave and Route 14
  4. Yeah, those are among the "exclusives" http://www.serebii.net/pokedex3d/exclusives.shtml
  5. Usually over 100. It's fixable by scanning AR markers of ones you don't have and then, in a few days, it'll sort itself
  6. Seems the Croagunk C-Gear just announced is US only like the Audino one. I'm not liking that they're doing this
  7. I don't know if I can. Everytime I see my nan, it kills me. I hate seeing her like this. It's destroying me. And now I'm going to have to see her away from her own home, a home we're going to have to sell so she can be in fulltime care...it's just soul destroying
  8. Don't think my mum is taking the news that my nan has to go into 24 hour care very well. She's being very sombre and quiet and she's never like this. She's always been a rock. When my nan had her heart attack, it didn't hit mum hard. When she had the stroke, it didn't hit her hard...but now, I don't know...
  9. Still go for it, it's not like you could have known. It'll always be a funny story you could tell if things go south
  10. The doctors say my nan will require 24 hour care, meaning she has to go into a carehome :/
  11. What's great about this game is that there's a narrative to it. A good one too! Well I say good, it's not amazing but still...better than the WiiWare Dungeon narrative; "Farfetch'd lost some chocolate...can you find it?????" Awful ¬¬.
  12. This game gets really tricky when you've beaten it. It's kicking my ass
  13. European release in December (why must they still delay releases like this) and called Super Pokémon Rumble Can one of the mods edit the topic to include both US and EU titles? Cheers
  14. I'm not so sure. If anything, it's brilliant. You can hear the desperation, the way she's trying to act like she's fine. It's heartwrenching
  15. Serious answer; It's good fun. It is similar to the past one in how the levels are rather plain but it works out. Lots of levels, lots of things to do, great narrative, great graphics. Seriously, the 3D is awesome. It is just as if you were looking down on a table to play with toys. I've been rushing through the story, had about 6 hours play and am about 70% through the storyline. Not been returning to areas to get other Pokémon or anything. There is good substance to this game
  16. The previous TARDIS looks great in person too. The mockup of this one they had also looked good. Console was identical, it's the room which was smaller
  17. Yeah but we never see her in order so even if that happens, she could still return easily enough :P
  18. It's a blast!
  19. Prelude to "Let's Kill Hitler"
  20. FINALLY arrived today
  21. You control them yourself. It logs the trainer and their Pokémon and you then battle out when you return to the game
  22. Another note, there is Street Pass functionality in this game with you battling people's Pokémon who you pass, but also unlocking legends as you meet people. HOWEVER, if you don't use Street Pass, you can spend Play Coins earned in it to bring random people in and it counts 10 coins = 1 person
  23. Fun fact Pokémon Rumble Blast is the Pokémon game to contain the highest amount of Pokémon without need to trade or connect with another version. All 646 current Pokémon are available in it, with every form accessible
  24. There have been over 20 Pokémon games for non Nintendo hardware, but they do act like this is the first
  25. Ooh that's cool. Here in Bournemouth, we're filled with various Lions. 50 of them
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