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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Bumping to add even more pictures. THEY DEMAND APPRECIATION :p
  2. And Americans say calls for stricter gun control are pointless and unconstitutional :/ Stuff like this should not happen. Over there, anyone can get a gun so easily and innocent people and children get killed. It's horrible
  3. Serebii

    3DS XL

    Yeah, they said that in brick & mortar stores, the price will be £200 And we wonder why they collapsed
  4. If you imported the games, then Piplup is now available over WiFi
  5. New Global Link event for you guys PORYEUROGAMERNET is the pass to get Porygon
  6. Buy a 3DS XL from Europe and a 3DS LL from Japan. Open both up. Move the hardware from the European one into the Japanese case and the Japanese one into the European case. Seal them back up. Sell the EU one on eBay and laugh at the people Job done :p Yeah, the official Japanese site has an interactive bit of the World 1 map
  7. My friend who moved here from America says they aren't
  8. Why would a plant have teeth? Must resist urge to buy this on the Japanese eShop next week
  9. Trailer of the horrific US version
  10. It is the enhanced version of Diamond & Pearl..same storyline and all. Platinum improves on all aspects of it too

  11. Fair enough. Go with Platinum next :)

  12. Best Pokémon games I've ever played :D

  13. Had a great idea for another AR image just now Edit: And some more
  14. Legitimate free online copy? Does not compute o,o
  15. Just 9. Trying to get the best ideas for them so it's not generic "Pokemon in real life environment". Sky and Sea push that, but I think I managed to pull it off Plus, Keldeo's animation is that it spins around, shooting water out of it's feet
  16. A couple more images
  17. Because spokespeople are never wrong :p We've had Reggie, Iwata etc. say that it's a launch title. I'd take their word over a random spokesman
  18. I meant by printing out the AR markers :p That said, you can't have more than 13 on screen at any one time
  19. Thanks @\-Dem0\-, hard to come up with decent ideas though. Annoyingly, I don't want to use ridiculous amounts of ink, so I have to take a screenshot with one Pokémon, then load that image and add another and so on...but on the plus side, it means I can do things with them at different stages of their animations Did one of a destroyed lab with Mewtwo, but not my best Trying to think of one with the muskedeers but can't decide on a decent backdrop. Was thinking of a play on the new movie...the Muskedeers VS Kyurem
  20. First screenshot of Smash Bros 3DS
  21. Did a cool underwater ruins one Adapted the lighting using the underwater settings in the game And done this And another
  22. The 3D models are definitely enhanced from previous games. Mewtwo looks amazing So, a couple of images I made
  23. Old photo but it has been updated
  24. You can trade your Pokémon over right after you beat the first gym. However, the gift of the Shining Charm is within a town you can't get to until you have beaten the Elite Four
  25. You don't need to trade them over, there are loads from the beginning. Riolu is one of the earliest areas for example. As is Azurill 300 Pokémon in the Unova Dex, 156 of which are Unova, the rest are not. Plus you can Dream World and Dream Radar instantly http://www.serebii.net/black2white2/unovadex.shtml <-- Full List
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