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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Dropping that much money on a console that's already at a loss would be suicide
  2. If they pack in Wii Sports U with the Basic Set, then they'd be getting somewhere
  3. The only reason Wii Sports took off was because it was bundled in with the console
  4. Just bought this badboy http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B009X5JWD4/ref=s9_simh_gw_p147_d0_i2?pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=0QDX5BMT025JB2KP59A4&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=358549767&pf_rd_i=468294 6GB RAM, 750GB HDD, Battery that lasts up to 6 hours. 17.3" screen. It's an i3, which isn't the best, but it's a great laptop for under £500. Just need it for backup, afterall. Yet it's still more powerful than my PC
  5. I feel Nintendo is past the days of not localising and not marketing. They've had a swift kick in the arse. A cornered Nintendo is the best Nintendo
  6. Those aren't gaming devices so are more easily explainable
  7. People say the Wii U was bad marketing due to the name, but you forget the power of the brand, especially in America. That's why the Pokémon logos have been like this: It was right of Nintendo to utilise the Wii name in this This is what I have been saying from the get-go, and people have been shooting me down -_-
  8. So it means we'll have games that are like the tech demos and promises Sony made at the reveal of the PS3. Sweet. Yeah, technologically it's better. However, you and I both know the at this point, for the time being, that it doesn't directly correlate
  9. This could be interesting. I am intrigued to see how Sony and MS are going to tackle their next consoles. Since the jump won't be that big (nowhere near as noticiable as PS1-PS2, PS2-PS3), I'm wondering if they'll add some unique features to the consoles. Roll on February 20th
  10. Give it 5 years, considering Sony has mentioned fully embracing free-to-play
  11. Posted this on NeoGAF as people are talking about Iwata resigning, figure I'd post it here It will be a very, very, sad day if Iwata ever is forced to leave Nintendo. Iwata is responsible for a lot of Nintendo's policies. Their first-party DLC policy, for example. Games are to be complete at launch, all DLC to be extras developed after launch. This stops the gauging that many developers do these days. He wants everything to be as cheap and complete out of the box as humanly possible. As PhantomR stated, Nintendo is very pro-consumer, even if they do some things that annoy us, the vocal minority (such as Region Locking). If he's replaced, the replacement could turn Nintendo into that. Imagine Animal Crossing with a craptonne of micro-transactions. Mario games where you have 2 worlds and then have to pay $5 for a new one. It'd be horrific. Nintendo are doing things right. People keep saying they should have focused on power rather than these different experinces. Let me put it to you, do you REALLY want a third console that is just exactly the same with different exclusives? I certainly don't. The Wii U sold more in the first two months than the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 did in the same timeframe. The problems are on three tiers 1) Nintendo, along with other people, keep comparing the 3DS and Wii U's sales to the massively anomalous DS and Wii sale trends. Those were anomalies and will never be able to be matched. 2) Nintendo needs to be far more conservative with their estimates and forecasts. If they were more conservative, this whole thing wouldn't be an issue 3) People continue to class Nintendo as being for kids. A friend of mine asked why ZombiU was on the Wii U since Nintendo consoles are for kids. Even when Nintendo tries to sort this out, people still believe it and complain, as seen with Bayonetta 2. Western developers even believe this. Their marketing doesn't help. There's also an issue in the gaming media where they seem to have a massive axe to grind against Nintendo. For what reason, I am unclear. All the Nintendo is doomed articles do not help their public image. Look at the 3DS in the UK, as it was coming out, several media outlets went on a massive negative rant against Nintendo, claiming that the 3D can destroy your eyes, and other such things. Iwata resigning won't solve a damned thing. He has made some mistakes, but you need to consider the mitigating factors and everything. Loads of developers are collapsing, loads of companies including entertainment retailers. The economy isn't in the best of shape. Yes, there could have been better games at launch, but when is that never true? It'd be foolish to thing the PS4 and new Xbox will be any different.
  12. I do have a question. Other than the online issues of the Wii U, how would you have done the launch? Most people just say about adding more games, but that'd have caused more issues. So yeah, do tell
  13. I completely agree. HOWEVER, while it's a great strategy that Nintendo has done, it's one that has made western third parties pause in deciding whether or not to do it. By providing the same tools and architecture, they can do whatever they please
  14. This is a Japanese company, not an American one. They don't fix problems by thinking "Oh, let's just have the head quit"
  15. Researching into it. It's the first I've heard of it.
  16. Or, knowing the state of the industry in their homestead, the console will get more handheld ports
  17. They have said they are. Why doubt that
  18. The figures they released are the same that they ALWAYS have. It's only now people are going on that they're "shipped" figures
  19. Can I just remind you that their advertising is not aimed towards us, and people like us. They've already made their decisions. I'm not saying that ad is good, but you guys seem to forget the target audience for adverts
  20. It's almost as if each console launch has mitigating factors
  21. Saw this on NeoGAF Puts things in perspective a little, doesn't it. There were only like 4 games out at launch on the N64 so that's not that surprising, compared to the 20+ on Wii U launch
  22. Handhelds always perform higher than consoles so that's irrelevant :p
  23. It's just below the Wii's first two month figure too. Quit being so negative
  24. 3DS drop can be explained by the economy, but it'll be better next year due to two beautiful little games
  25. See, not as doom and gloom as you thought. Not as good as they had hoped, but they're back making a profit, 3 million is pretty decent. The revised sales through Q1 make sense considering they had to delay many of their games into Q2.
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