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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Don't panic until they drop the ball in the next Direct :p And don't diss my memory. I can't run my site without having a fantastic memory. It all works out!
  2. Ok, let me compare a few examples Super Mario 3D World - Officially revealed in June 2013. Released in November 2013 Wind Waker HD - Announced Jan 2013, officially showcased for the first time in June 2013. Released in October 2013 Donkey Kong Country - Announced in June 2013. Released in February 2014 Mario Kart 8 - Officially revealed in June 2013. Released in May 2014 Pokémon X & Y - Revealed in January 2013. Released in October 2013 Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Revealed in April 2013. Released in November 2013. NES Remix - Revealed in December 2013. Released 5 minutes later. Dr. Luigi - Revealed in December 2013. Released January 2014. Hyrule Warriors - Revealed in December 2013. Released Summer 2014 Kirby Triple Deluxe - Revealed in October 2013. Released in January 2014 Wii Sports Club - Revealed in September 2013. Released in October 2013. Pokémon Rumble U - Revealed in February 2013. Released in April 2013 There are countless more examples, the above were from the top of my head. Aside from the odd occasion such as Luigi's Mansion, X and a few others, Nintendo's games have an extremely small period from reveal to release. I think it is safe to say that their line-up won't be barren this year.
  3. Hyrule Warriors is aiming at summer
  4. It's in 3D World too, again subdued
  5. That's the best thing about Final Smashes. As soon as a Smash Ball appears, the fight shifts from tactical to an "Oh crap let's go and get it before the others do". It makes it more fun, in my view
  6. I agree with an extent, but why does Mario have to be hyper realistic and have denim dungarees? Besides: It's more subdued in current times, but definitely there
  7. I don't think it's as absolute as that. Yeah, there will probably be some in the QOL platform sector, but Nintendo is also focused on fixing the Wii U and making sure the 3DS continues to kick arse, and to do that they need more software.
  8. I meant in the scheme of things regarding acquisitions, that they're the more logical options. It follows the definition of the word. Please don't attempt to attack me.
  9. Bigger ones are unlikely, but ones like Next Level Games, Wayforward etc. are logical
  10. @Mokong Before you start S7, you should probably watch this Not necessary but good enough and leads into S7 Edit: Oh, and @Mokong, this is also worth a watch
  11. I'd agree that Konami is one of the more likely "big" companies that could be acquired. Platinum too, maybe Next Level Games. Sega is a possibility, as well. People keep saying Sony could buy Nintendo, or they'd merge, but I don't see that. Nintendo is a bigger company than Sony in worth at the moment, and I doubt Nintendo would want that much debt with their name.
  12. This was just on GAF, from Nikkei Nintendo may actually start buying other developers. Aww yeah.
  13. I recently went random when playing with friends in Brawl. I managed to kick arse with characters I'm not normally good at, such as Peach and Luigi.
  14. Valid point.
  15. I do wonder if Nintendo will release DLC tracks for this, to keep support going beyond May.
  16. For any titles I wanted to get but missed, then sure. However, I don't see myself making much use of this service.
  17. Well there will be one next month. They never skip more than a month. Thankfully, the month starts tomorrow so my money is on Wednesday
  18. I'll see if I can get anything out of my contacts. There has to be a reason for this.
  19. Whoa, they're really pulling the boat out here!
  20. Nothing says that it has to be Lucario or Mewtwo
  21. If this isn't his final smash, I'll be a sad person.
  22. A character appears "The heroic Aura Pokémon, Lucario, joins the battle!! We've increased the influence of Aura this time, so a damaged Lucario is truly a force to be reckoned with. Lucario joined the battle for the first time in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which was released six years ago. The production staff of Brawl worked really hard to expand the character roster--without their efforts, Lucario probably never would have joined the battle."
  23. The thing is, this year the Nintendo DS is 10 years old. There's not that much illogic to it being on it.
  24. You are correct.
  25. I was just making the comparison because, at this time of year, first party releases aren't common on any platform.
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