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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Well I'm sure Nintendo would find a way. They're ones who truly stick with backwards compatibility
  2. No. Iwata doesn't re-assure you. There's a difference. What they could do on the handheld is do what they have done with other devices and also include a downsized version of the past console's hardware within it to allow for backwards compatibility, and then upgrade it as it's ready on NintendOS for download titles, akin to how Wii -> Wii U works. Either that, or it explains why we've had no 3DS VC titles the past two weeks :p
  3. I really am excited by the fact that their next console and handheld are likely to have similar architectures and a unified OS. This allows for easier porting, asset sharing, connectivity, and, if necessary, scalability on various titles and so forth. Unified Virtual Console, here we come
  4. Hold off until after the next Direct first. You do realise how damaging it would be for Iwata etc. to put things in a negative light, right? Investor Meetings are intent on re-assuring investors about their plans, not pleasing spec-hungry internet fanatics.
  5. Well what the hell do you expect them to say? "We've built a time machine to change the specs of the Wii U" They have to weather out the Wii U, and try and make it profitable? How, you ask? Releasing awesome software and marketing.
  6. Thank you. You essentially responded with what I was going to. Plus, how many of these "exciting new IPs" were released in the first year of those consoles.
  7. Yet they can for the new Killzone, Halo, Call of Duty etc.? Ok It's just they just seem like newer versions of older games.
  8. Check the Downloads option. It'll tell you what's downloading
  9. The Q&A is up in English now http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/140130qa/index.html Some choice ones
  10. You're close
  11. Chipped a tooth somehow. Have to go to dentist. There goes all my money. Sigh.
  12. The Hisstocrat theme is a large part of why people changed their mind about the game in the October Direct
  13. Surely those same arguments could be made against its use in Pokémon, but with critical hits over blue shells
  14. Come now. Pokémon has voice chat. Stands to reason this will
  15. I like that article. They're right in many ways, Nintendo need to push the VC and they need to actually market. The actual content Nintendo is delivering though, it's top quality
  16. You're quite welcome
  17. I liked Sonic 06... ...at least the Silver levels. They didn't have many issues. It stands to reason that Nintendo would be the one to announce it. Yes, it could be this game, but it could just as easily, if not more likely, be another.
  18. It's not likely that they chose it, it's more likely that Nintendo threw money at them to develop the game (as per Bayonetta, W101, Sonic Lost World), funding it. As such, making it multiplatform is unlikely.
  19. Assumption. There is zero evidence to come to that conclusion
  20. If there is another game, would Nintendo not be the ones to reveal it, not SEGA in merchandise fairs?
  21. No. She asked about Mario Kart 8 and how she thinks it'll help pull Nintendo out of its woes (she saw the Nintendo news on MSN and started worrying about my site). We've always been a Mario Kart family
  22. Wouldn't surprise me if the third game in the deal was actually the allowing of Sonic to be in Super Smash Bros
  23. Had my mum actually ask me about this earlier. It's spreading!
  24. From the Nuremberg Toy Fair Also on PS4 and Xbox One http://www.sonicstadium.org/2014/02/new-sonic-game-coming-2015-for-wii-u-ps4-xbox-one/
  25. That would be the day I quit gaming.
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