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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Well, there has to have been a reason that we have seen no returning characters or new characters since February 21st when typically we were getting one or two a month...
  2. A Mii could be interesting. If they make the moves customisable, levelable (they mentioned such a thing in the past as characters being able to be improved) and shareable between 3DS & Wii U, it could be pretty ace.
  3. Pretty much what Sakurai said this morning. Relax
  4. Seriously, they wouldn't do an entire Direct for a delay. They'd hide it in a press release or in the middle of a normal Direct.
  5. Indeed they are
  6. This just opened in town It's an actual police box, pretty awesome that they stayed true to the original (except made it black rather than blue)
  7. Oh there's stuff on the Wii U that isn't publically known about, coming this year, of that I can promise you.
  8. If Nintendo did go that route (which I highly doubt), I can see them going the route akin to New Super Luigi U If you have the "prologue", then you can download the "expansion" for like £20. Alternatively, you can purchase the full retail package. However, the entire concept of a prologue is so anti-Nintendo.
  9. I dunno. I honestly don't see a delay. Nintendo set up the official FB page last night, and plastered 2014 all over it. They wouldn't have included the date if they were going to change it. Nintendo aren't that much of a bastard https://www.facebook.com/pages/Super-Smash-Bros/224173137756374?fref=ts
  10. From the impression I've been getting with the daily pictures, Sakurai is wanting to reveal some core aspects of the game that cannot be properly portrayed with pictures. As such, a Direct does fit this. It's possible that the reason we get a full Direct on it is due to it needing more time than Nintendo are willing to let it have in the bi-monthly Direct.
  11. You misconstrued my words, sir. I said that they don't exist to give release dates. This is a fact. They exist to provide various information about software and hardware, which can include release dates. As such, saying there's no point to the Direct because there's no release date is erroneous and warranted my response. Yes, it already had a release window, that was 2014. Now they're refining that, just like they did Zelda last year. Originally it was "by the end of the year", then in August it was "November", then on October 1st it was November 22nd. Also, if it was sooner it doesn't mean we'd get a full date. Look at Mario Kart 8. Started off as 2014, then Spring 2014 in November, then May 2014 in January, then May 30th 2014 in February. This is how the things work. There are patterns to how Nintendo do these releases.
  12. My statement wasn't wrong :p I'm expecting a Q3 or a Q4 release period reveal in the Direct. Hopefully the former for a nice August release
  13. We didn't get a firm date for Super Mario 3D World when it was revealed in June for release in November (didn't get it until August 28th). We didn't get a firm date for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds when it was revealed in April for release in November (Got the date on October 1st 2013). We didn't get a firm date for Pokémon X & Y when it was revealed in January for release in October (Got the date on June 11th 2013). Hell, we didn't have a firm date for Mario Kart 8 in January this year. Wasn't until the February Direct that it was confirmed for May 30th. Nintendo don't reveal firm dates this far in advance. Typically two or three months ahead, just in case. I'm confused What was wrong with my statement?
  14. What on Earth makes you think that??
  15. That had more than just the release date. It just hammered it in to our heads four times a minute.
  16. To show information about the game? Nintendo Directs don't exist to give release dates.
  17. Confirmed for no release date in the Direct, but a release period will be given.
  18. Pic of the day, and a very important announcement. On 4/8, at 3 PM PST (8/4 11 PM UK time), we'll be airing a Super Smash Bros. Direct!! There will be all kinds of info about the new Smash Bros. games on this simultaneous global stream that will be delivered "directly" to you, so don't miss it! It's airing at a really late time for some of you, but it'll probably be worth the wait. You can watch the stream from the official site (http://www.smashbros.com).
  19. I'm with you. Turn-based games are as dull as hell. I can't stand them Pokémon is different, however.
  20. Easy. Comes with a headband and you can attach the console to your head and have a pseudo VR headset with the screens right in front of your eyes :p Seriously though, you do bring an interesting point. Nintendo will find a gimmick and push it. (Note: I use the word gimmick with its original intent, not what the way it is used by the gaming community)
  21. Hells to the no
  22. I'd accept it and happily cover it, but I don't see it doing well and it'd be a waste of resources, in my view.
  23. We did discuss that on the first page, the argument between capacitive and resistive. Resistive is far more accurate so much better for gaming. Having the two screens be identical size on the next device is a necessity. I agree. That way we can get more cross screen play like we had with the DS.
  24. I agree to an extent, but as a battle simulator akin to Stadium & Battle Revolution, not as a main game
  25. You're either a filthy liar or a witch :p
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