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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I wouldn't say that. The processor on the 3DS is less than half the power of the Wii's, from what I remember.
  2. I disagree. I'd say if anything, Nintendo has proved that they want to make it a standard by trying to shift the concept into the home console space.
  3. The 2DS does have one screen in a technical sense, yes, but that's for cost saving factors. You asked if they get used enough? Short answer: Of course. Long answer: Of course they bloody do. Every bloody 3DS game uses it. Some to extend the HUD, others for a variety of other factors. Dual screen gaming is the most beneficial "innovation" Nintendo has done in the last 10 years. It also separates the console from the generic single screen dross that plagues phones etc. and gives people reason to see it as a separate device. Yep, I've been repeating this continually around the net. People, somehow, interpreted Iwata's words to mean a hybrid is coming -_-
  4. Wholeheartedly agree, my friend. Even though it's 720p rather than 1080p, it's one of the greatest looking games I've seen (until Mario Kart 8). It's how they've always wanted Mario to be, and you can tell.
  5. Na, they need to keep resistive and stylus. Perhaps make it multitouch resistive but there's no way in hell they should make it capacitive. Capacitive is way too inaccurate for gaming. It's fine for smartphones and some apps, but games? No.
  6. Why? Why do they need to go to such ridiculous resolutions on such a small screen. It's a waste of power and money at this point. Removing the second screen is also a terrible idea. It's great. Removing it is counter intuitive and will cause things to get cluttered and counter-intuitive again. At worst use, it removes clutter from the gameplay screen. I don't like it when the HUD of a game takes up ridiculous amounts of space. There is actually zero reason to remove the second screen and countless reasons to keep it.
  7. Pretty much what yesteryeargames said, but not quite as we know it's separate to the home console they're planning, just sharing architecture. The 3DS is only 3 years old. It'll be at least a year before we hear rumblings of the new console coming. 2016 is the absolute earliest that we'll see one.
  8. Online (1 Player Local) Online (2 Player Local) Up to 12 players racing online at once Leaderboards Mario Kart TV - Record and save your races, with some editing tools. Upload to Miiverse. We don't know the specifics of modes you can do online yet, though.
  9. Yeah, and it was a given that it'd be included, like Pikmin 3, DKC etc. All I was doing was providing the details that it had be included. Instead it got the "well Nintendo is behind so this is good news" crap. Basically, the classic back-handed compliment.
  10. Come now. Not all online games on other formats have leaderboards. Don't act like it's a standard that Nintendo keep missing.
  11. Could be worse. Someone responded to the NOA twitter last night saying it'll be a bad game because it uses bright colours, which are "incapable of conveying emotion".
  12. Has it been noted here that the game is confirmed to have online leaderboards?
  13. Nintendo has locked the framerate for 1 & 2 player, and online, at 60fps. Locked 3 to 4 player at 30fps. If they were to add a fifth or have 3-5 player online, it'd cause latency issues. I'd rather a fine tuned, fluid, online experience to something that jumps all over the show like Sonic did. Besides, how often did you play that mode on Sonic?
  14. I came to the same conclusion
  15. Yeah, that's not going to happen. They halfarsed support as it was before they dropped it, on all Nintendo platforms since the SNES
  16. To be fair, Olimar is meant to be the size of like a 20p. Size is irrelevant. Except for Ridley. Ridley is too big.
  17. Though, standard Mewtwo with this and the other Mega Mewtwo as the Final Smash (selected at random from the two) is what I truly expect.
  18. I have little doubt that we'll see a standard Nintendo Direct before the end of the month
  19. An irrational, illogical conclusion based on repeated occurrences with an unhealthy dose of paranoia :p But, I digress
  20. Na, they know who I am, even with Smash Bros. But them screwing with me, I know that's an exaggeration :p
  21. All info on the same page? That'd be unbelievably cluttered :s
  22. The content on the right?
  23. What do you mean? I go in-depth into the entire game o,o
  24. 360? You're crazy. The game won't be delayed though
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