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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Jolly good episode
  2. Australia got it and it's PAL Never seen one on sale and I don't trust eBay
  3. Got an official Wii U LAN Adapter for Christmas. Huzzah, things should be slightly less laggy online.
  4. Oh my god. I am so envious. I want a Virtual Boy.
  5. So far: Also three t-shirts and a PC headset
  6. You're going to love it
  7. Isn't the demo better than the game in terms of graphics and controls too?
  8. I too tried some of the time trials. Nuts to those haha If there's stuff for achieving them, I may just cry.
  9. To be fair, my statement about qualifications was to help cement the fact that, contrary to his belief, I do know what I'm on about. It wasn't irrelevant to the point. Can we end this now? We're crapping up this thread.
  10. It's not ruining my life. It's taking it to new levels. I have contacts throughout the industry, I have met the best of friends due to my site. I get to do something I really enjoy. I've always had a high opinion of myself, even before I had the site, but that's because I'm good. My Year 3 teacher used to call me arrogant...but that's her fault since I had to keep correcting her. Not my fault she was often wrong. You do realise I was correct there, right? So I didn't know "very little", I was spot on. Nice try.
  11. There are countless posts in this forum of you equating file size to quality. Sorry mate, but it's true. You do also have that habit.
  12. Ok, I will leave this as my last post to you 1. Arrogance is only when you can't back it up. I can 2. Millions do depend on me. My site has exceeded over 1 million unique visitors in a day on multiple occassions, ergo millions. I know, you don't like Pokémon, but I am depended upon. Accept that people have gaming likes other than you 3. I do have other consoles. Thanks
  13. Just did the level that
  14. Same old stuff, family round. Eat too much food. Play rubbish games. Watch Doctor Who. I have site stuff to do tomorrow, too. Thankfully it's not as bad as last year where I had Pokémon Bank to cover on Christmas Day, but still have things to do
  15. I did randomly get a
  16. Haha, I'll get to it as fast as I can, just lots of family stuff :p I admit, I have "rage" quit a couple of times, not so much rage but more "ah nuts to this. I'll do it later" after dying or missing an objective
  17. Yeah, but you at least have topics for games without people coming in and crapping them up, calling them things like "Captain Turd" But I digress. I think we should all make a new years resolution to be more courteous to eachother here. Not to publically demean eachother, @Sheikah, not repeatedly crap up threads, @Wii, and not be majorly defensive (me)
  18. Nearly done with Episode 3. Been taking my time but it's such a fun game. It's pure fun in game form and it's gorgeous. Highly recommend it.
  19. I feel the same way. Most likely going to shift to pure GAF for gaming talk, which is hilarious when you think about it. I just like many of the people here, that's why I stay.
  20. Indeed. Even I say there are areas Nintendo need to work on. Just because I'm positive about the stuff they do correctly does not mean I am massively bias and can't see when there are issues. When people erroneously make statements, it has to be countered or that sort of crap will fester. I never counter people for having opinions. I counter people who perpetuate lies and mistruths
  21. Which is logical considering they can be scanned by 3DSs. People could claim ownership of them and call them rude names
  22. So, got side effects from the cryotherapy for my arm growth. I'm now completely and utterly ill as my immune system is dealing with that, I now have the flu. Fantastic. Merry Christmas.
  23. Yes, I am. It'd be labelled as "typical gimmicky Nintendo" and dismissed by the general populace.
  24. As in they had the touchpad etc. that made some of the implementations possible. Considering the praise I've seen Sony has received from people about having the idea of having a speaker in the controller? Yes, I do.
  25. I meant if they have the method for implementation of it. I imagine people would have called it a gimmick. Was thinking the same when I saw so much praise on Twitter during the PS4 Tearaway demo at PSX But yeah, the artstyle etc. is top notch
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