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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Metroid Zero Mission And they are doing DS games. We know this :p
  2. Metroid Prime Pinball! First DS title to purchase :p
  3. We will. It was in the Direct as one of the ones we'll get after launch
  4. On par with the 1500 Yen Japan charges though
  5. We do have two new modes coming next month too...not sure what else they can add.
  6. But this is ARGUMENT-Europe :p
  7. Just as likely as not, considering how Nintendo is embracing online of late, and knowing this is a team based game unlike Smash and Mario Kart.
  8. Splatoon may have voice chat, it may not...we don't know yet, but can we at least cease talking about it as if it doesn't or "isn't likely to"?
  9. Happy birthday!!
  10. Full camera control akin to Wind Waker HD
  11. Yeah I imagine they weren't expecting such high demand
  12. The three costumes
  13. If it had Virtual Console-esque save states, then I'd jump in with Metroid Prime Trilogy, but the savesystem in 1 & 2 really turned me off of them.
  14. Yeah but then it's "expensive" DLC and the equivalent of "horse armour". These are actual statements I saw on GAF last night due to the Fire Emblem amiibo in Codename STEAM
  15. They have to find a balance. If they do too much (as with Mario Party 10 and even Codename STEAM), people bitch that they're locking out content for it but when the amiibo features are tame like here, people claim they're not doing enough
  16. Masuda has nothing to do with this game. It's not a main game. Can you stop trying to pick a fight please
  17. I just wish there was a like £15 unlimited play option in it, to remove the stamina crap
  18. Free to play title on the 3DS Not happy with it being free to play in such a manner :/
  19. Well these bases are red for a start. No idea on the top bit
  20. There was no part of the Direct where it'd have been pertinent to say it I am confident it'll have voice chat. Relax.
  21. Indeed. I was hoping for like new stages based on them. This could be fun though
  22. So, this is coming on March 20th on both Wii U and 3DS. eShop exclusive. No matter which one you buy, you get the other as a download code. Looks good, I'll be getting it as I love these games. However, bit disappointed at lack of amiibo compatibility. Could just use all amiibo in it and have it bring in toys for you to use in your stages.
  23. Changed what? As they said from the start, there are different series. We've been getting the Smash Bros. series but they just announced the Super Mario series. Different figures, same functionality These are being stylised by the Mario series and are being noted for Mario Party. Toad is added as he's a Mario character, but isn't a Smash one.
  24. Yep, part of Smash Bros amiibo Wave 5 in April
  25. None. It's the first amiibo to have no Smash Bros compatibility. Nintendo made this page for compatibility comparisons http://www.nintendo.com/amiibo/compatibility/
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