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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Lack of news doesn't mean bad news
  2. Toad will clearly be the best seller I expect Wario, Waluigi and Daisy to get amiibo from that series. Since we don't have a standard classic Wario amiibo, I imagine lots of people will want that, too
  3. Ace Combat compatibility trailer. Some new amiibo compatibility revealed. Here's some of the new ones they revealed Pac-man Fox Captain Falcon Bowser - Skin 2 Peach - Skin 2 Luigi - Skin 2 Mario - Skin 2 Donkey Kong & Zelda are also getting use in it
  4. I have 13 and want more. Hell I want them all but am restraining myself :p
  5. Yet they still sold ridiculous amounts.
  6. Depends on which Level 50 it is. My Pikachu, Lucario and Link...yes. My Captain Falcon though? Impossible. He's too beastly
  7. Say what? Proves analysts know absolutely nothing
  8. Agreed to an extent, though I really liked how New Super Mario Bros. 2 made me completely rethink how I handled Mario games, rather than rush from A to B, looking for secrets as I went, I went through making sure to exploit every corner or the stage for my selfish coin lust
  9. £60 for this one http://www.amazon.co.uk/Seagate-Expansion-desktop-external-drive/dp/B0084LZI5Y/ref=pd_ybh_16 I got it for £50
  10. So I was doing some looking to prove a point on GAF and the VirtualConsole trademark is still valid. For some reason, there are multiple trademarks for it, and four of them are live, registered and valid. These are owned by Nintendo of America. Interesting stuff. Checking to see what these cover that the dead ones don't.
  11. £50 for a 2TB. CHeap
  12. There's only one breeding guide you should use http://www.serebii.net/games/breed.shtml
  13. Earning enough rupees is a grind. To get up 1 level is at least 100k after Level 50. It's a pain.
  14. That's one thing hindering my progress
  15. Not quite. It's 80% for a female to pass standard. 60% for Hidden. For males with Ditto, it's ~50%. It's definitely not 20%. I was breeding my Contrary Serperior a couple weeks back. Got 2 boxes with Contrary and 1 with Overgrow. If anything, that indicates 60%
  16. GAME and ShopTo
  17. There was a guy on Twitter/Reddit who ordered 50 Rosalina from Argos and then started complaining that his order was cancelled. He's now deleted his Twitter and reddit post because of the backlash With more places adding 1 per customer limits, there won't be as much issue from now on
  18. Solution is simple. eBay it!
  19. I am tempted to buy that Bowser too though :p
  20. Smash build quality isn't that bad. Look at Bowser Mind you, I'm not that interested in many of the "human" characters, so I don't have issues with faces in my amiibo much
  21. ShopTo have added the Super Mario series amiibo http://www.shopto.net/product/search?view=list&products=WIIUAM36,WIIUAM37,WIIUAM38,WIIUAM39,WIIUAM40,WIIUAM41
  22. That's me :p
  23. I'd be very surprised if not
  24. Nintendo UK have instituted a one per customer policy now
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