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Everything posted by STOOPIDDITTIES

  1. They speak like robots. I'll probably get this when it's been massively reduced in price. I strangely like playing these not so original and often shallow games. I get some weird enjoyment out of it. Spyborgs, Death Jr., Spectrobes. I feel so rubbish.
  2. That music alone gets me all excited about it.
  3. Got mine pre-ordered While I'd love to see a sequel to what I'm assuming will be a fine game. I'd like to know what these guys would be capable of if they made a new IP for Wii.
  4. No, it says on the site it will be in 3 days though.
  5. That trailer looks freakin ace. Watching something that looks so good and realising that the franchise might later go onto other platforms leaves me horrendously sad...
  6. So I take this is very much like the "Player's Choice" on Gamecube? Anyone know whether they'll be doing the same thing here withe these "Everyone's Recommendation Selection"?
  7. Try holding the remote sideways so that the front faces to your left rather than towards you.
  8. Looks pretty good now I guess, I just get put off by the gameplay footage. It looks like all you'll be doing is taking individual swipes with the wiimote at the on-screen enemies. It just seems to lack variety really. I hope I'm wrong.
  9. This thread should have a theme tune.
  10. What kind of 'bugs' are apparant then? I haven't read a single review that picks up on any.
  11. I hate this. I hate that these companies have just gone ahead and made shit for the Wii and now that it hasn't sold, or whatever other reason they can muster up, they're now backing out completely. Capcom is definitely the hardest blow though.
  12. To me this still just seems like a really uninspired game, I really don't get why people are so interested... :\
  13. Ha. Funnily enough I've also had this for a while and only in the last few days have I played and completed it. I didn't really know what to expect when first putting the disc in but came away with the feeling that it was a mix between Time Crisis and SOS: The Final Escape (Which I rather enjoyed). The one thing that kind of annoyed me though was that for every level you had a new tutorial, and then later on in the game you would never have to use that skill again. Minor I know, but it bugged me. Something else I would have liked is a bit more exploration in the city levels. I would have liked to have a bigger path to explore with more survivors which would have made me feel somewhat more challenged had I gone out my way to find them. In the end though, I'm glad this game wasn't cancelled. Limited but definitely enjoyable experience.
  14. Looks like it's more the comapanies who are publishing these 'mature' titles giving up on the Wii rather than the developers creating these games. HVS and Platinum Games are still showing alot of interest. Good.
  15. Correct =]
  16. When you say my name I no longer exist.
  17. Ask Roberto Benigni.
  18. I wouldn't say it actually has anything to do with darkness. But one of the definitions of it in the dictionary is for something to have a lack of light. Obscurity.
  19. Both of these are so so close. But the answer is slightly different enough for me not to give it away just yet. This answer, as different as it is to what the real answer is, works. That's just not right.
  20. Its not a place, nor an object.
  21. Riddles are something I love to do on a regular basis and I thought if anyone else on these boards was up for a brain teaser every now and then this would do nicely. I guess the only rule would be that there is only one riddle at a time and when someone works it out then they or someone else can start a new one. That way it stops confusion and actually gets people to work these out rather starting new ones. Also, no googling I'll start with this. The bigger it is, the less you see it. Good luck.
  22. SoulCalibur II With Link... It's just ridiculous. You put it on the back of the box not in the title!
  23. I believe that's the idea. So that seems to suggest that Miis being playable doesn't count as our equivalent of B&K. Hopefully. If we get anyone it's likely to be Mario. Him and Sonic have both appeared in 3 games together and he's pretty familiar with racing I'd say. Seems the obvious but less exciting choice. I'd personally like to see Link or Samus
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