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Everything posted by STOOPIDDITTIES

  1. It is useless to resist! Don't let yourself be destroyed as Obi-Wan did!
  2. Yeah I meant trading in the Gamecube ones. But the thing is I dont want to trade them and instantly regret it I'm just wondering if playing them with Wii controls would give me enough incentive to go back and play them again. Maybe I could be greedy and have trilogy ASWELL.
  3. Would anyone here recommend trading in the three seperate games for the trilogy boxset?
  4. That doesn't happen often with me, but often enough to be irritating. As for that video... I guess the graphics look...enjoyable?
  5. 3. Star Wars maybe? 4. Some Leisure Suit Larry game?
  6. Now I could live with SEGA having this attitude. There aren't that many games you can say that they've made in the last few years that have been anything above mega average. But Capcom... Now that's really disheartening. And all because a bunch of light-gun games didn't sell enough in their first few weeks of release. =/ I guess it's easier for these companies to blame Nintendo and its userbase rather than to admit they made the first mistake when thinking we'd be much happier playing on-rail shooters than fully fledged action adventures.
  7. Looks miles better now. But still...meh.
  8. This topic definitely reminds me of what a great decade of gaming we've just had. There's no way that I'll be able to just sum up 10 with ease though... Again, these are in no particular order. Metroid Prime To me this is probably the single greatest thing of the last decade. I had never played a Metroid game before so had no expectations but the moment I played this in the shop I knew it was what games were meant to be about. Fresh, original gameplay, beautiful worlds to get lost in and guns that make you say "awww yeeee". Resident Evil 4 As killer kirby previously stated this should be in everyones list. The gameplay managed to feel completely new yet so exciting the AI was so incredible that it made you feel like there really was a threat. Reinvented the horror genre. Mass Effect When a developer creates something that is the equivalent of Star Wars without any story holes you know it's special. I mean sure the gameplay wasn't the most original idea in the world, but it's a rare occurance when a game actually makes you care about not only the main character, but your whole squad. And the story it told was epic beyond measure. Skate/Mirror's Edge/Assasins Creed Having spent a long time playing these I realise now that these games lacked a certain personality. Compared to what I feel they could have been I'd even say they felt a little bland at times. But they were and still are amazing accomplishments. Along with a select few others these are just about the only true 'next-gen' games made. Sure none of these three games ever filled their potential, but they showcased ideas that have since changed the way we play and look at games. They even showed that some concepts we thought were impossible very much possible. They may not be perfected works of art, but they are by all means landmarks. Viewtiful Joe This is why I loved the gamecube. Developers made games they were not afraid to make. I mean sure, it got ported to the PS2 not long after. But had it not been for the existence of the purple handbag this game might not have ever been considered. It pays homage to the days of old while bringing something new and quite frankly, wacky. It also made me want a 'V watch'. Ico Proof that games can be art. Grand Theft Auto III Does this really need an explanation? I mean yes the sequels have improved on it greatly but none were as important. I have no doubt in my mind that this helped the PS2 become the powerhouse that we know today. Metal Gear Sold 2: Sons of Liberty Just for the s(n)ake of being the sequel to the best game ever and improving on it in every way. Let's face it, Raiden wasn't the best character in the world. But to anyone with more than a couple of brain cells that doesn't exactly make the gameplay worse does it? I remember seeing the first screenshots and asking myself how graphics like that were even possible. =P Splinter Cell I know this didn't revolutionise anything. And its sequels followed the tried and tested formula which by Chaos Theory grew tiring. But the first game was so important to me. I think very highly of Metal Gear you see, so when a game was announced and was said to challenge it for the stealth throne, I stood up and took notice. This was before every other game implemented a stealth part in its side missions of course and made creeping around a mere gimmick. I believe that today it would still give the Metal Gear series a run for it's money if it had the story and characters to match. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker I'm tired now. I don't want to explain this one.
  9. *Reverses time*
  10. 1. Gamecube That is all.
  11. I know SEGA are now having problems with releasing core games to the Wii audience. But surely porting Shenmue 1 & 2 into a boxset just to see how it fares on the waters of Wii isn't totally out of the question? Having finished 2 so long ago I've kinda forgotten alot of the story...
  12. Okay so I think the Wii has been out long enough now to warrant its own top ten lists from gamers. It's just I've never come across any except from IGNs daily tiresome lists. I'm also interested to know everyone else's favourite games on the system and see how different or similiar they end up being. I mean, yes there will always be the Galaxys and the Brawls, but it's always nice to see that niche game that nobody buys getting some love. But really I'm lying and I just want to do my own list. So here are my top 10 Wii games. So Far. 10. Super Paper Mario 9. Sam & Max: Season One 8. No More Heroes 7. Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure 6. The Conduit 5. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption 4. MadWorld 3. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition 2. The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess 1. Ókami Kart, Galaxy and Brawl are all absent because they still cost too much and I'm cheap. Cheap is good. I expect Fragile and Silent Hill to make this list when I get my mits on them too.
  13. So the plan for me this year is to complete all my games in time for Fragile's release and spend the rest of year drooling over that. Maybe I'll find the time to play it too.
  14. Oh how the mighty have fallen. So he admits to SEGA's sales still going well but that they're put off by EA's sales for one game which people complained about since it was first announced? This makes sense how exactly?
  15. Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike I expected something playable.
  16. TMNT - A full on adventure game based on either the original comics or cartoon series. Zombie Survival Game - Survive much like you would if the event genuinly occured. Or just think a game based on The Walking Dead. Yes please.
  17. Another Code R Red Steel 2 Silent Hill The Conduit One Piece Unlimited Cruise Silent Hill is proving popular And considering The Conduit is in most lists, my doubts of low sales are quickly vanishing
  18. Looks pretty decent. Makes you wonder why there hasn't been a flood of other games made for the balance board considering its massive success.
  19. Aye, but not exclusively, which is what I meant. I just get the feeling it will feel tagged on if not developed solely for +, which would be a shame.
  20. That trailer and those gameplay videos just got me all excited about this again I really love how this seems alot more open than other games in the series but the one thing I'd criticise it for is for not keeping the 'rusty' feel of previous installments. But who knows, this might work just as well.
  21. Ummm, looks potentailly promising. But without Motion+, I really doubt this is going to impress anyone.
  22. No More Heroes' Goichi Suda Has Plans For The Wii Vitality Sensor Source
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