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Everything posted by STOOPIDDITTIES

  1. One of the open positions they've listed on their site is Project Manager... In all fairness I don't think this was ever intended as a joke as many people on here seem to think. I believe it was a group of overly-enthusuastic young guys who thought the job of developing a game would be much easier than it eventually turned out to be. Also, considering there are so many open vacancies for their studio, it sounds like they should down-scale their original plans and aim for a much smaller concept. If there are so few of them (like that N-E interview suggested a while back and like this page suggests http://www.nibris.net/work_en.html ) then I would have thought making a WiiWare game would have been a much more realistic approach. If they'd have done that from the beginning then we'd probably have something to play by now.
  2. I thought Ghostbusters and Modern Warfare turned out alright. They both felt like alternate versions of the originals rather than washed down copies.
  3. Good. I pity the fool.
  4. Is Donkey Kong really worth buying though? I have it and I dislike it so much I was thinking of trading it in. Do you think it's worth keeping just for the sake of its rarity value? Talking of which I might give it another go. Surely it can't be as bad as I remember...
  5. Hey man, I was told you were one of the rare people on these boards who has TMNT Smash Up. :P Add me if you still play online and let me know your code 3739-1057-7676

  6. Hey man, I was told you were one of the rare people on these boards who has TMNT Smash Up. :P Add me if you still play online and let me know your code 3739-1057-7676

  7. Hey man, I was told you were one of the rare people on these boards who has TMNT Smash Up. :P Add me if you still play online and let me know your code 3739-1057-7676

  8. Hey man, I was told you were one of the rare people on these boards who has TMNT Smash Up. :P Add me if you still play online and let me know your code 3739-1057-7676

  9. Opoona!
  10. I shall add you back on TMNT, also, get the rest of those guys to post their friend codes in that thread so I can add em!


    I just tried challenging you on TvC but it kept disconnecting, I think it's the game though cos my internet is working fine. :\ I'll challenge you at a later date. :)

  11. And suddenly I lose all interest. That's really bugged me. :\
  12. I've been playing this for a fair few hours now and I have to say, I absolutely love it. Maybe it's cos I haven't read anything into this and have avoided any possible spoilers, both story and gameplay-wise. Maybe it's because the mediocre reviews dampened my expectations. But I think it's more likely that I knew not to expect a traditional Final Fantasy and greeted an action-adventure game with Chocobos and Kupos with open arms. I think the problem with many of the reviewers is that they expected something more of a stat-heavy experience. They've let their expectations cloud their vision from seeing how much of a great game this actually is. On the other hand I think Square-Enix have shot themselves in the foot with the title. Putting the label of Final Fantasy on the box, they're just asking for people to be disappointed. I believed from the minute Crystal Chronicles was released on the Gamecube that it should have been a new franchise rather than relying on the FF brand to sell the games. In conclusion I'd say, if you play this game, approach it with an open mind. Don't play it because it's Square-Enix, nor because you want an alterative to FFXIII. Play this because you want a fun, great adventure game on the Wii. Even if this doesn't turn out to be your cup of tea, it deserves to be given a fair chance.
  13. Yeah I posted after having the tab up for a while. I'm glad Sega are back on board with HVS after saying they were going to show less support for the Wii. Kind of gives a glimmer of hope.
  14. All I can say is
  15. I don't really want to voice an opinion on this as I don't feel enough has been shown to do so. Don't like the name change though. I wonder who the publisher is.
  16. The more these screens look like they're photoshopped by a child, the more I like the look of it. Looks ace.
  17. Hey man, I just got round to opening my copy of TMNT: Smash Up! and saw that you were basically the only person on these boards who plays it! :P But me being a Turtles fanatic, I see myself playing this quite a bit too. Add me if you ever go online with this again and let me know your number.



  18. At least he's in the game. That counts for something I guess.
  19. In all fairness this was always going to be appeal more to the Japanese market and it was always going to be a risk bringing this outside to the west. But that will never work as an excuse if this sells poorly. It's a solid fighting game, the online is one of the best on the system, it has been highly praised by all critics and it's exclusive to Wii. People really shouldn't turn such a blind eye to this, especially when Zavvi sell it at such a price :P
  20. I can see why you would be. But I just don't see them making us wait a week only to say it won't be coming to us or something like that. But yeah, caution is the best approach.
  21. Is there anything else it could be?
  22. If they had chosen someone from Resi 4 it should have been Krauser! Ergh. Thinking about the Capcom roster frustrates me. Well at least I can be thankful they put Viewtiful Joe in there, even if they did change the voice actor.
  23. This came today in the post, can't stop playing The online has been completely lag-free so far, which is shame as that would have been a great excuse for not being able to win a match. The game itself is as solid as you'd expect so no complaints there either. The only thing that realy bothers me and leaves me completely baffled, is why the douchebag from Dead Rising is in there. Surely someone such as Danté or Maximo would have been much more appropriate?
  24. To be honest I would have been more than happy with a standard RPG much like Blue Dragon. That had me excited enough. But this sounds like Sakaguchi is being much more ambitious with this title. I don't want to get my hopes up but I just can't help it...
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