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Everything posted by LazyBoy

  1. Denmark v Wales in Amsterdam? Yes please.
  2. That crowd roar for the third was just beautiful.
  3. How has that been struck off?
  4. Rooting for Denmark, but a lot has to still go right for them if they’re going to go through. Lovely goal at least.
  5. Alright, its all gone on ebay. Thanks for the advice, you can see my listings here. If you want any of it PM me and I'll take it off ebay. Sad getting rid of some of this stuff, especially the N64.
  6. As incredible as that moment was, I was relieved Hartlepool ending up getting the promotion. I'm getting a season ticket there for the new season, and League 2 is way more inviting than the National League.
  7. General question about getting rid of old stuff as I’m clearing out all the old consoles, and some old games. Are there any services out there that will take a bundle of stuff and price it up for you? Short of that are there any good websites for specially selling retro stuff (or is eBay just the best bet?). And if all that fails, where best to recycle all this plastic? As a side note, it’s crushing saying goodbye to some of this stuff, but the consoles take up so much space, and they get less practical every year. Keeping some of the games though.
  8. Terrible. You got to be able to create chances, and we created none. I fear Southgate is reverting to type (an England manager).
  9. Yeh but it’s because we got no width. Sancho and Sterling both want to play inside, so it’s easy to double up on Kane then crowd the centre. Janes is on Robertson, so it’s not surprising the only times they’ve been opened up is when we’ve gotten Shaw on the ball. Need to get Sancho on.
  10. 2 goals for England after the 65th, you read it here first
  11. I’ve got a terrible diet and a chip on my shoulder, that count?
  12. I’m not nearly drunk enough for this.
  13. Gutted for Denmark, but Ive also got money on Belgium, so.... edit: oh my, what a goal
  14. Italy is surely a lock today, but the other 2 games are a lot tougher to call. Incredibly Finland could be the first team to qualify for the knockouts. I’ve got them down for a hard fought point, and Wales taking the 3
  15. Hungarians are holding them here, Portugal got to step up. Any of the big three in this group fail to beat Hungary and that could be them going home.
  16. I can’t remember if I played both, but I’m ready for a replay regardless.
  17. Sold, show me no more.
  18. OK yes, 4/5, good amount of stuff to be excited about there, Dread being the best of them. BOTW2 - obviously slightly disappointed that it will be a repeat world, but on the plus side it look like they're making the game Skyward Sword should have been. Cant wait to see more.
  19. "We have a few more things to share with you.... we START with Skyward sword" ITS COMING!!! edit: Im referring to BOTW2 - fuck Skyward Sword
  20. So much good stuff, I’m grateful for this boring ass JRPG shit to take a breather.
  21. WTF!!! My dreams haunt me again!! 5/5 conference, done.
  22. That Monkey hall package is a bit of a deal. Day 1
  23. Good, fewer JRPGs and 20 year old interactive stories. (Edit oh never mind) Anyone else seeing Switch Pro clues?
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