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Everything posted by Beverage

  1. LOOOOOOOOOOOL my bad Fused, but i LOVE Nintendo : peace: i call it the 'tendo fetish :laughing: and i need to know what other Ninty lovers think of 2010 for Wii so that i can see if i'm thinking likelyish possibilities or mere dreams ::shrug: Wii NEEDS AN OVERHAUL DAMN-IT... I "NEED" BETTER ONLINE/WiFi (NOT WiiBox-Live, JUST BETTER THAN HOW IT CURRENTLY IS!!!!!!!!!!!) :laughing:


    Yeah i get your joke now but yeah my brain has a tendancy to keep conking out on mii lol. sometimes things look SO random but when n00bed down i'm like .... "doOOoooh" :D

  2. Lol yeah i totally understood you were leaving at 7:30 to watch Domino day 2009 but i totally forgot while we were playing :D Wii's internet is having a slight issue with viewing some Youtube vids so i'll view it once mii PC is free.


    Ahh so a record was beat for a certain traditional activity that happens once a year? Interesting stuff : peace: Art = Epic UNfailure :laughing:


    I was having a literal AND metaphoric 'BLAST' on The Conduit just now (Worldwide Team Reaper). I should try it out more, care to join? :D

  3. Oh yeah WOW, TWO measley races. I mean C'MON FUUUSED :laughing:


    Your Mii looked badass. (Wesky)

  4. Don't blame ya there pal.

  5. wanna recruit some pawns for a Wii onliner bud :D

    Gaming here isn't just restricted to wiikly leagues now are they? :nono:

    When my 360's up & runnin again i'll find you : peace:

  6. Go on, i'll spar with'ya on SSBB? :D

    We'll see how much i've improved or how much more pr0 you've gotten :bowdown: (or rusty :laughing: )

  7. And YAAAAAY :yay: the Mr.Ford lookin' Wesker is back BAAAABY! :D

  8. Your willing to sell Conduit if the matchstick sparks in the CoD Reflex thread.

    Just a quick question mate.... What other game do you have that utilizes WiiSpeak? I'm kinda tempted too buddy 'cause the graphics & online looks breathtaking. BUT.. 'WHY' no WiiSpeaking? Why only 5vs5? I dunno, if i had the cash to buy every game then mii would but i got other games to buy and i ain't sellin MY Conduit for nothing :laughing:

    Mariokart would've been heaps awesome with WiiSpeak.


    Ask yourself this, Fusedy ol' buddy,... when your playing OFFline with fam/mates, is the room quiet (and you laughing with yourself)? Or is there noise, shuvving, trash-talking-JOKES?.. This adds to the 'FUN' why you even picked up your control and turned on your console in the first place, in my books! ::shrug:

  9. Get your butt in the MK League at 8:30pm (GMT) tonight dude! :yay:

    You are a 9000er, yes? I need more 9000ers so i can measure my container :laughing:

  10. MY ADVICE 1. To avoid either Blueshells (be on a series of boosts and let it be canceled out by the nitro from your engine ) or the frightening Lightning, just simply dive in a portal.. i.e when you go through that channel (on some levels) where you can't be hit. Alternatively, just be a pro and stay far ahead of the CPU's - or Onliners - to where it doesn't matter if you ger melested by such items. If worst comes to the worst, just dive of the edge then when respawned (if dropped down in position) you'll catch up easy as everyone'll be tiny ants (predict the Lightning) and/or you'll dodge the Blue by methods of sacrificial resorts : peace: 2. YES!!! You 'CAN' dodge the POW blocks. When you see that it's about to mug all your items and pop all four (or two, if being a bike) of your tyers, then 3 (THREE) little warning mini-quakes will happen so just count along .... WuuUUN, TooOOO, THREE! 'On' the THIRD one (not after, 'ON') stick you WiiMote up as if you're saying "UP YOURS " to your HD Tv. You will recover straight away and keep your speed : peace: 3. IF you insist, i guess... if you're certain life'll treat you good... Then on the last lap, fall just under halfway position mark (if 10 dudes racing drop down to around 7th) but stay close-ish to the winning bunch. When or 'IF' you get that 'lucky' ideal item from that present box, you have your victory well assured. : peace: 4. If all is going belly-up and you can only win due to this "miracle".... MAKE the miracle happen (without cheating/glitching/haching, ofcourse). : peace: Yeah Dr.Boo, i'd defo like to see that in vi next MarioKart. Allowing it to be optional for doubles and singles to race, bringing back the character specific special items (spice it BACK up and make it more fun) and also the SNAKIN' I don't even care right, two reasons i want snaking back.... 1. To even it out with bikers. Bikers can constantly WiiLii ( ) and a pro biker would dominate a pro karter, so let karts dash And, 2. Because it's kinda boring just driving straight then drift at a bend, drive straight, drift at bend, repeat, repeat, RE-FRIGGIN-PEAT Allow dashing so you'rein constant DYNAMIC ACTION Would be a drag snakin' with the Nunchuks analog stick though...
  11. Yes. I did indeed lol. Cheers for the epic games bro.

  12. Yeah sorry, it felt later lol. I'm goin' back on...

  13. DAAAAAAZZZY!!!!! :cool:

  14. Would you think that Ninty would slightly upgrade/update the current Wii, in any way ('hardware', specifically) to give their sales/profit-loss a boost until their next home console is ready for launch?


    If Zelda Wii comes out (or being announced for late 2010) how the hey can a new Console release? Unless it could play current Wii games aswell, perhaps...

  15. I feel you on that one bro. Shy Guy Beach does suck (Yoshi Falls, too? I hate it!).

    And it isn't my intention to sap any fun (like the Daisy Circuit thingy), so i'll defo try to do my part (your cool enough to set this game up for us all : peace: ).


    Because o' my villainous acts, i made F.K's 0.3 average perish :laughing:


    Wii 2/HD = 4Q..... Do you think this is a possibility? (keeping the 'profit drop' and even the sales drop in mind).

  16. Lol i wasn't apologising in hope of keeping all my points :laughing: (i'm happy with the 'game' we 'played' last night. Besides, i earned enough points for it to not be too much of a Credit Crunch :D).


    I was just apoligising to untwist your nick-nocks and to make you have more of a positive attitude to 'games' we 'play'. :bowdown:

    Again, i apologise and i'll do my part in writing down the tracks kk buddy.


    But lighten up dude, it's a GAME. : peace: :D

  17. Yeah i'll try to do my part with the "writing down the courses" and whatnot kk :bowdown:


    Epic sesh tonight dude. It totally rocked out!!!

  18. Truly, honestly an accident, Cap'.

    1st time i hadn't a clue what courses were planned (or, i forgot), but i got the gist on what was going down.

    The 'SGB' one was a honest mistake. I tilted down on the nunchuk stick and tapped A but it only registered the 'A' so next time i'll be sure to take my time with selecting stages.

  19. epic 'Bridge of Eldin' face-off on the final lap of GBA Bowser Castle 3 in tonights awesome sesh o' MK League :laughing:

  20. Can't wait 'til "next week Fridays" Conduit sesh mate :D

  21. Fused buddy, you recieved Nintys message via your wii message board? 'Nobody' can send the free game as a gift :mad:

    I'll never forget, don't worry, when i'm no longer a cheap ass student then you'll get ANY game of your chioce ok buddy (and friigin game of any price :yay: ).


    Much, MUCH more of these prized themes comps (when i can give the prize this time :laughing: ) 'soon'... reaaaal soon! :awesome:

  22. Sorry for spammin' your VM but do you got TMNT: SU? I yearn for some lagless games with NE members.


    I swear bro, this game would rock if NE had leagues with this game. In the league, the themes could be tournament, tournament tag, singles, teams (either all 4 with 2v2, or in tag style), swap out (3-8 dudes and winner/loser swaps out [winner stays on or swap out lol] ).


    Seriously do not understand why nobody has this game yet. If you love 'Brawl' then you'd orgasm to this :laughing: FO' SHO' :cool:

  23. The moment that my Wii's disc-slot blings that beautiful ocean-blue colour, and my Wii Message Board introduces me to Nintys letter of fan service :D then, my good ol' buddy ol' pal, TWO glowing, ocean-blue coloured blingages shall occur in YOUR Nintendo Wii's disc slot.


    BWAHAHAHAHAOWZzeeerrrR! :bowdown:


    *seeks/pursues revenge* :cool:

  24. My copy arrived two days ago and I've only commenced engaging in on it's fun yesterday Game's rather power-up indeed (gameplay wise, and all the modes it has to offer *tuts at SSBB* ). I play with all the characters - like i do in the SSB series - but my favorite DUDE is Leo Gameplay wise, i can only say that it's its own brawl/smash fighting game. To be brief, it ROCKS (multiplayer off or on-line) for a first installment. If there'll ever be a sequel let's just hope there's more choice o' characters, stages and more lively music (i mean C'MON.... IT's A FREAKIN' NINJA TURTLE GAME!). But overall, if you have famiy and friends to play with, and/or you love playing on-line then you'll enjoy 'playing' this game COWABUNGA DUDES
  25. The cheapest place atm would be ebay I've got in on top shelf at £18.12p?
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