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Everything posted by Goafer

  1. Thats genius. "And don't even get me started on you, you fat fuck!" Not exactly high brow, but made me chuckle anyway:
  2. I hate red/green 3d films. My eyes can never merge the colours properly either. Modern 3D films don't use different colour lenses though and the colour lenses are only used for home versions. People with one functioning eye can still watch 3D films since they would only see one part of the effect. They wouldn't see it in 3D, but it would still be a perfectly clear image. It would be exactly the same as watching a 2D film. I know that renders 3D films useless for mono eyed people, but at least if it became standard they wouldn't have to worry about not being able to see it.
  3. But surely by going there, you are putting money into their economy? Unless you are planning on not using a hotel, restaurant or any other service whilst you're there? Or are you going with a load of empty suitcases and coming back with them suspiciously full? Because there are better way to smuggle freed slaves I imagine.
  4. Yeah, but it looks like what goes around, comes around. I liked the bit about how the desert seems to be fighting back, it was almost like some sort of divine/natural justice. Eventually Dubai's bubble will burst. It's inevitable. Either their tourist trade will dry up when people can no longer afford it or something better crops up, their debts will catch up to them or the slaves will revolt.
  5. Paj's was better, but Not So Tiny was first. And it can be less than 6. Wikipedia (not gospel I know but it's good enough) states: "Six degrees of Separation (also referred to as the "Human Web") refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth." Although I did put the ish in the title just to make it a little easier. So it can be more as well if need be. So it stands at: Christopher Walken and Will Smith
  6. I have my previously posted photo wall and this: I just moved the canvas print to make room for a new shelf. The clock is made from a truck hubcap. I found it near the side of the road, drilled a hole in it, smashed up a Tesco value clock and put the mechanism in it.
  7. For ReZ and others, here's the gist: People from poorer places are promised good jobs etc Get to Dubai and their passports are taken, preventing them from leaving. Wages are a lot less than expected, working conditions are worse too. Pretty much slave labour. No one else seems to care. People (including tourists/expats) love having slaves. Dubai developed very quickly, now becoming a shithole. Almost justice. Seriously though, read the whole thing. It's a good read and definately shouldn't be ignored.
  8. Will Ferrell was in Taladega Nights with John C Reilly John C Reilly was in Tenacious D with Jack Black Jack Black played Hal in shallow Hal, a name shared with the computer from 2001: A Space Odyssey 2001 was the year George W Bush began his presidency George W Bush worked closely with Tony Blair I did have a shorter one, but it wasn't as interesting. Tony Blair - Christopher Walken
  9. Thats pretty rad. Do they have any other decent shirts? Where did you get it?
  10. I'm sure that most people will have heard of this but here is the rules anyway. I'll start with 2 celebrities, then you have to link them using a chain of people that have been associated with. Associations include: Worked together Been in a relationship Related Been in different versions of the same film (Remakes etc) Have covered their song (for musicians) Have played the previous person in a film or vice versa (eg. Joaquin Phoenix playing Johnny Cash) For the sake of keeping it simple, it doesn't have to be done in 6 steps. It can be more or less. So for example: Mark Hamill - Demi Moore Mark Hamill was in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back with Jason Biggs Jason Biggs was in American Pie with Sean William Scott Sean William Scott was in Dude Where's My Car with Ashton Kutcher Ashton Kutcher dated Demi Moore The second celbrity then gets carried over and the first person who gets it right then gets to pick who that person has to be linked with. So if I got the above one right, I would then pick someone to link Demi Moore with. So the first 2 celebrities to link are: Demi Moore and Zach Braff I've run through it in my head and it can be done in 4 steps. Although use more if need be.
  11. Why is it unlikely that I'm not a douchebag? You only know that I like Paramore and whatever other bands I've posted on here. EVERYONE has guilty pleasures, the only difference is I'm not even remotely guilty. I'm not trying to start an arguement or anything, just making points as I see 'em. I'm a nice guy, honestly!
  12. I couldn't agree more. Have an hour of Daft Punk videos put together to make an anime movie: Interstella 5555
  13. Yeah, there was something weird about MBV. It forced your focus, sort of like only one bit of the scene was clear and the rest was fuzzy no matter what you did. Monsters vs Aliens was much better for 3D. Almost all the screen was clear all the time, things just seemed to appear to have depth.
  14. Just so I'm clear, you're saying that we shouldn't take offense at you not liking the same music as us? It's pretty hard when you say things like this: I read that as you calling me a douchebag. I don't pretend that Paramore is anything less than pop rock wimpyness, but I like it. Whats wrong with "bopping" along to Paramore and the like anyway? Sometimes people just want a catchy tune or something mindless. I agree that some people can get too into mindless songs and believe there's something more to it. But who are we to judge? If they get some sort of pleasure from listening to it, either in a trivial way or some deep meaning, how is it a bad thing? You said yourself that "I've always felt that music is supposed to be evocative or create a mood.". Maybe people can see something in their music that you can't. Thats the great thing about being human, different things mean different things to different people.
  15. But then why bother making good CGI in films? Things like Star Wars told an epic story with just crap puppets and ropey green screening. It's just adding impressive visuals to add to the experience.
  16. Yeah, it does depend on the people making the program. My Bloody Valentine felt a bit half arsed and quite a bit of the film didn't use the 3D very well. Monsters vs Aliens was very good though, it managed to get a good balance of 3D bits so that it didn't distract too much from the actual film, but still offered a bit of awesomeness. Kind of like watching a film with really good special effects. It doesn't make or break the movie, it just adds something special.
  17. I thought I'd create a seperate thread for 3D films and how I think they're totally radical rather than cluttering up the RTLFYS thread. I think 3D films have added something that the cinema has been missing for a long time: an experience you can't get at home. Now that big TV's and surround sound systems are affordable (ish), the cinema doesn't offer anything you can't get at home. You could argue about the social side of things, but do would you really want to pay to go watch a film when you could end up set in front of someone whos legs are apparently too long to keep them the fuck away from your chair? Or next to that one person who is so fat that they snore when they're awake? If you want the social side you could always just invite friends round to watch a DVD or something. Lets face it though, most people sit in silence at the cinema so the social arguement is flawed. But now cinemas have managed to do quite a good job with 3D films. The days of red and green/blue lenses are gone and now we have these: Sure, they're not even remotely stylish unless your last name happens to be Holly, but they work well. Even over regular glasses. So now 3D films can be seen in full colour. Both times I've been to see a 3D film at the cinema there have been very positive audience reactions (ie gasps and the like). It's kind of like the Mama Mia thing where people sing along, it's made the cinema experience unique and memorable again. That said, aren't they working on 3D TVs now? Well at least it adds uniqueness for now anyway.
  18. I think we all know why Paramore is so popular... Although for the record, I quite like them in a "no need for any deep though, just have some music" sort of way. While I'm here, have some Rage:
  19. Yeah, I watched the rest of it and the rest of them seemed more real. Anyone else see a problem with that show? It's about how bad it is that no one would help, but then it shows that 2 out of the 3 people that did helped ended up dead or almost stabbed to death. Of course no one will help if they're always being shown people who do help being stabbed. To me that program makes things worse if anything. It just makes me question the reasoning behind the program. Can you tell I did media studies at school? It's made me quite cynical...
  20. Just watched the first 5 minutes of that program. Does anyone else think that the witnesses seem a little fake? Something just doesn't feel right about them. It's almost like they're the sort of bad actors you get on a crappy documentary for schools.
  21. The glasses are actually quite good. They're not the flimsy old cardboard things you used to get. Theyre plastic now and the lenses are quite tough. I managed to wear them over my normal glasses with no distraction whatsoever. Star Wars Original Trilogy I finally watched them back to back. It was special. Awesome films, although I watched the ones that have clearly been reworked. It was a bit annoying going from retro looking puppets to modern looking CGI. 9/10
  22. "I couldn't get any pussy so I thought I'd get me some tail"
  23. What? That's like crossing the road if you saw Jesus coming. Judas.
  24. I assume you watched the 3D version?
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