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About Tim_NOE

  • Birthday 05/06/1982

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  2. Hello Tim sorry to PM you but i am trying to get in contact with nintendo for the GDC and the Gamescom for N-Europe and NiSuTe Europe but no one can help me it seams as you can read here:


    but here is a question. Nintendo... Nintendo benelux doesnt seem to want to help us with getting in contact with Nintendo germany. and when i send a mail to nintendo europe or nintendo germany they will send it to nintendo benelux and that closes the circle.. now i have tried Nintendo UK to but i dont get any reply's from them igter so my question now is.... GUYS HELP NINTENDO NEEDS TO BE IN THE LIST!


    i hope you can help us out. and again sorry for disturbing you.


    with kind regards


    Maikel de Bakker

  3. You got me... darnit... I was about to send an angry e-mail to Tphi :P
  4. Ah ok, thanks for the feedback. Curious to see it Since I live in Germany I probably won't be able to see it for a while though. We only have one English movie per week in the cinema here, and Crank isnt listed for the upcoming five weeks. Doh!
  5. Happy birthday to the N-E forums!!!! It is good to see all the oldies here... I think I am the oldest member though. Would have been weird if I wouldn't be. I started these damn good old sites (N64-E, C-E, R-E). Conor has all the credit for N-E of course. Kick ass guy. All right, so now for my oldie (Xsorbit) stats: Name: Master Tim Posts: 5337 Position: Administrator Date Registered: 08/13/01 02:26:48 : peace:
  6. I have seen some posters of this movie hanging around in town. I am a big fan of The Transporter and Jason Statham (the actor) in general. His latest flick is Crank and appears to be like Speed... only he doesn't have to keep the bus above fifty... but his heart rate has to stay above a certain level or else he dies of a virus. Anybody seen this movie yet? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0479884/
  7. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Great movie with great cast. It keeps surprising the viewer with awesome story twists. It is not a normal movie... it interacts with the viewer. It is weird, but very original. Definitely worth a rental if you are into Tarantino style movies. 9/10
  8. wow thanks guys! you even made a thread for it.. I really appreciate it! : peace: Sorry for the late reply! I have been busy here in L.A. and could not rely get on the net until now. I hope you guys enjoyed our press conference, and I hope you enjoy our games / lineup as much as I do. The Wii simply kicks butt... Got to get some sleep before the big (first E3) day tomorrow! See you at the showfloor or sometime soon in the forums...!
  9. Wow ash this is awesome! So Retro! Old looks, new functionalities... Sweetness lol switching back to xsorbit... that'd be awesome I am still paying for the old ones to keep them in the air. If that isn't dedication (money wasting) then I dont know what it is
  10. Er-No, Jav... Monday in London! Where shall we meet?
  11. I keep track of blog of friends of mine. Easy way to keep up to date with there whereabouts. I also read some gaming blogs every now and then. I got my own blog (see sig), which I use to keep my friends/family updated. So yeah got one... : peace:
  12. Ah Jav, man! I did not know you broke up with your girl. Man that sucks! Feel really sorry for you. After having lived with someone for so long and then break up, that does not do any man good. Bah! Hey I might be visiting London in two weeks for a gaming event where I might also see you. Maybe we can meet up there, talk, and have a few drinks?
  13. Thanks people! The revolution has begun... a new era of gaming has started. Man, I am loving it! I will definitely stick around
  14. You guys worry too much If necessary things can easily be changed I am sure. Lets just wait until the final announcement shall we
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