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Everything posted by Molly

  1. The advert says 'The beginning of the end' (or something) and yet there are still more serieseseses, not impressed.
  2. Done! I've only gone and got myself online, the wii bit was fine actually, fairly idiot proof (lucky for me!). haha, that sounds like a challenge! If only I was good then I could be confident, it's fine actually; while you're spending time on other games, I'll be there becoming a MK pro! Pashmina! I've got dry bones, is he good? I don't like his manner. I unlocked some pink dragon type thing, not very impressive tbh.
  3. baaaaaahahahahahahha. I look quite alot like a man. Amazing. Ahh that's cheered me up.
  4. Lol, really? That's a bit disturbing! Do I have my bowl haircut and purple jumper on? Where are these pics?
  5. Hahaha, sorry! well I'm not really, you had it sweet last week I really want to come travelling with you, but urgh, I would be disowned and I have already been. Ah but it would be so cool. *Damnit* (little cheeky one in prep for 9pm sky one HD).
  6. ^^haha, I can't get away from innuendo in this place! Anyway I got a star on the mushroom cup, woo. Also I've just switched to manual and it's creating a world of trouble. Keep wanting to press B to use stuff but then obviously I slide instead, it's all wrong; but the blue sparked power slides will make me faster in the end
  7. Made me lol
  8. lol, I don't believe we've met, I'm Molly and I'm technologically challenged. But yes, if I ever work out how to do that I would love to play!
  9. Ok, I feel inadequate Nah, you're right about the courses, there's also not overcorrecting all the time and banging into walls, heh.
  10. I did enjoy 'lets defuse the bomb and play some pokemon' and also the crudeness of 'lets laugh and snort as we point out your genital wart'. It's tough to call, perhaps a live show would decide it. p.s. I feel like I'm missing out on knee msn love, maybe I'll do something about it.
  11. I'm happy with this for now, Vote: MoogleViper
  12. Back at work, boooo. Just been chatting with people though, it's very quiet so far. Think I've gone slightly overboard on the blusher this morning, look a bit too flushed, woops. 24 later, wheeeeeeee. Also, seriouso jobhunting starts today. Also, had the most terrifying nightmare ever last night. My brother was a serial killer and killed loads of loved ones, then he was after me, like a proper chase. Once I had woken up I couldn't close my eyes again, I kept seeing the images and was stupidly scared. I do worry what this says about my state of mind.
  13. hahaha, that is exactly what happened, was funny though...ahh that was such a good day!!! @ the pic stealing thing, I don't really have that problem, but then I haven't used facebook in months and that's the main pic uploading place I find. Also, looking very dapper in your grad pics Rummy!
  14. I just found this and I'm not really sure where to put it, anyway it's Alice glass at a gig in Manchester I went to, I just think it's a cool pic. That is all. Also love her t shirt lots:
  15. Of course, my mistake. Spenno I wanna go bowling again soon, but slumdog seems like a good idea for tuesday night.
  16. Yes it is beautiful Manchester Uni, well that courtyard inside the old buildings is lovely anyway!
  17. This is very true, hehe, I used to get 100% on my chemistry tests and think I was amazing. Then I did A level chemistry and got royally fooooked over, well it got difficult anyway!
  18. You've got to think about the masses, it's easy for you but not for everyone. I generally found all my GCSE's pretty easy but maths was the one I really had to work for. I scraped an A, if it'd been harder I would have struggled. But then we did have about 6 different teachers over the 2 years, one of which was an actual pervert who read The Sun in lessons (and this was a private school). Wow tangent, anyway I disagree!
  19. I have no new info. This from night 5 is bugging me: I feel like we should be able to work out who the man is, did Jonnas investigate someone on night 4? or was it just the cake, d'oh *looks back*
  20. You are literally incorrigible! Shhhhhhhhh
  21. I love the arrogance I am so awed by people who can do maths, I learnt it all for my GCSE and then quickly forgot it.
  22. ahh thanks! Again, it will probably take me some time to achieve those. Not sure about the rows and columns to be honest, I'm sure you're right though.
  23. Okies, and when are you told that you got a star?
  24. haha I just looked up what IIRC means, and while I was there QFT and BSG, interesting. Anyway, there's probably no chance of me ever getting stars after that description ReZ. The lightning and using the Dpad has been useful though, I actually managed to a get a cup on the 100cc special, woop. Oh and I'm only missing two characters Paj.
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