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Everything posted by Molly

  1. hehe, indeed I have. I would literally love Leia (alliteration) to be my name though, that would be so cool. Anyway it's Molly *ends*
  2. lol indeed, he's got some explaining to do. Ohhh, somewhere I have a comical photo of me as a young'n, I'll be back.
  3. Love it, so sweet. Why are your legs different colours?
  4. I feel your pain. Who knew whoring ourselves to the top wouldn't work?!
  5. As I used to say in French class when I couldn't remember my verbs...Ne worrier pas. Also, I don't quite know how you always have jaffa cakes, it's impressive!
  6. No you're right DM, it was a moment of madness on my part. But I love it. Just don't think about my other 'real' name, it doesn't exist!
  7. *ready* haha I love that you thought they were being clever! I am actually quite excited about it. My paps cleared the lounge at 9 tonight so he could watch the new one on sky 1, said it was excellent. woooooyahh.
  8. Oh no! It shouldn't feel weird, I've always been Molly to you. I am Molly to everyone on here, just as you are Coolness Spenno182 sometimes even calls me Molly at work, but as a joke really.
  9. already done it BITCH
  10. hehe, no I did not get the mini series! What are you doing to me?! Kidding, I'll add it on. You are now responsible for my enjoyment of this!
  11. I'd like the Lamb
  12. This was quite a tough decision, but it's gonna gave to be Fake Plastic trees, it's a beautiful listen. Call me is fun and I love it, but doesn't cut the mustard in this round.
  13. *HUG*. I think you'd be the most excitable person I've hugged, would be awesome! Bon chance with the exam Coolness, it'll soon be over! My day= busy at work, went in the gym, got an email from travelling flirty irish boy (if only he lived in England and didn't think it was acceptable to write 'der' instead of there, heh). Was going to wii online but others are using it so might watch the wire/read some comics ReZ lent me yonks ago. Blah.
  14. I wish I'd heard of him. Would be more exciting.
  15. You'd think I'd remember that orgy! Retro, looking sharp in blue btw
  16. Happy Birthday Dyson, have a good one!
  17. That would be a sight to behold!
  18. Just watched 3 and 4, all I can say is... *squeals with delight*, it's baaaaaaaaaaack!
  19. Awesome thank you. I'll see if I can give it a go.
  20. well that makes me feel better! the cookies are history, the platte thing is still there.
  21. lol, he accused me! was like 'Laura, I need to talk you about something serious'. Made me laugh alot. Turns out the 405 things were tracking cookies, hmm.
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