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Everything posted by Molly

  1. Maybe I am mental. I don't even know what it's about, well a galactic battlestar I guess, but hmm. It's not in my near future plans to be honest, but plans do change.
  2. PJ Harvey. Still don't like the curse of millhaven and I like we float lots.
  3. I cut my thumb really deep whilst helping my mum make tea, blood everywhere, cried like the girl I undeniably am; now having a sherry cos apparently that's the done thing.
  4. hahaha I looked, but I don't watch/have never seen BSG, so it's all good.
  5. Yeah it's a winner, I need to watch more! Is it wrong that I'm attracted to McNulty? Maybe I should put him in the mancrush thread. Not because I'm a man, but because he is.
  6. I thought you meant your headache was deliciously nasty for a second there, hope u feel better anywho. Also, be as enticing as you like Daft, 'tis I who must learn some self control!!
  7. DD you are indeed the smiliest person ever! Were the tats just for fun or dressing up? You are daft I tell you! But if your mind is made up then so be it, do a before and after pic so we can see!
  8. I just read that spolier because I had to, you made it too enticing Ah well, no biggie.
  9. Had a really good day!! Met up with friends, some of whom I haven't seen in ages and this is gonna sound really cheesy but I sort of feel whole again for seeing them. It's amazing what affect people can have on you. Anyway had a 3 hour rowdy luncheon, bit of shopping, then general hanging out and having funage. Quite a funny moment at lunch, my friend and I were talking and I couldn't really hear what she said cos of the chatter from the others, so I accidentally ended up almost shouting ''So you spooned then?'' and the whole restaurant went quiet. Stupid thing is, I didn't even mean sex, just spoon-sleep-cuddling, hah. Probably had to be there. Oh yeah, it was 0-0 in the bolton v utd game until the 90th min, that is just really annoying!
  10. lol, I love your imagination
  11. That's madness, but that's music warz.
  12. I wish you birthday happiness! 17 on a saturday, that is perfect timing for a paaaartay
  13. Sometimes I wish there was a thread where I could generally ramble about anything, but I know...that would defeat the purpose of threads yada yada.
  14. okies, only messing! : peace:
  15. Molly


    My brain just melted But yes, wooo for DIVERSITY! we should be able to love the differences while keeping the fairness and equality. I'll stop there before this turns into a black eyed peas song, yuck.
  16. Cornflake Girl, I do kind of love this song.
  17. haha, I wasn't gonna say anything!
  18. Led Zep. Not sure how Avril made it to round two but there we go.
  19. haha, thanks! woo. flurescosnent, lol. It was fluorescent paint due to limited resources, we were in Mission Beach which has 1 shop. No joke of a lie. And yes, I think we can all agree the line is a dot to Moogle.
  20. I've said it before, I'll say it again...keep the beard! I know you said you wanna grow it long but imo they look better trimmed. Also love the fluffy hair. TFIF is all I have to say about my day so far.
  21. The Wire Series 1, episode 1. I think I love. Too early to tell, but yeah, I think I do. More to follow. I was too sleepy to carry on last night. Haven't seen ep 2, but I was a blubbering mess in the first one.
  22. Happy Birthday Flink!
  23. ah thanks raining! trust me though, that is the only vaguely tolerable photo from that night, I looked like a train wreck. Lol *speechless*
  24. Love it! It was a P party, my friend was a pharmacist and I was a pea.
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