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About Nami

  • Birthday 04/10/1985

Personal Information

  • Location
    Thousand Sunny
  • Interests
    Films and tv shows, anime, walking, trees and gaming!
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  • Favourite Game?
    Pokemon, Gears of War, Kirby, Zelda Links Awakening, Vice City, Yoshi's Island, Sonic (Mega-Drive era), Mario
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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  • Xbox Live Username
    Nicola bottles

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  1. Sounds awesome!!!! Dibs on Maya
  2. Nami

    Cars 2

    He he, I like your cars bag! When you go see it post on here and let me know what you think! Just don't know if it's worth a cinema trip yet.
  3. I'd like to think they'll do a good job of this but could go either way! I'll be hopeful and it may be great
  4. Nami

    Cars 2

    I might give Cars 2 a watch but not sure whether to go to the cinema or wait . I was pleasantly surprised by the first one, I put off watching it for years then I caught it on tv and enjoyed it! Glad you liked it though Ashley! I know you're a big pixar fan so I trust your judgement. I want to see the Toy Story short, that sounds ace
  5. It was great to meet you too I'm glad I got a bit of time with you even though it was brief! I still can't do that funny finger thing you were showing me!
  6. He he, that was fun reading all about bits I missed from the meet and reminders of all the fun times which were had REZ your last post was epic, yet rather amusing! Next meet I must have a longer chat with you! I really enjoyed the meet!! I know I'm not on here much but you're all so welcoming and I had lots of fun despite the rain of doom. So from Nami's ponit of view (an edited version, I don't want to go on too much as you don't know me that well) : Me and Shorty got the train, I had a cup of tea but I didn't like as it tasted like the inside of a flask, boo! But it was all fine apart from that! Then we arrived in London!!! I don't leave Sheffield much so this was REALLLY EXCITING for me! Then it rained and I have to admit, I got a little grumpy (sorry SHORTY ) as I didn't wear my wellies and I was miffed at myself for not being prepared for everything. Then we got hold of JAYSEVEN and we had to find him, we went under a bridge and found a piece of paper saying poo and I knew we were on the right track (I don't know REZ well but I've seen some of his videos). Then we officially joined the meet! TWOZZOK also arrived at the same time almost and I got coffee at a reasonable price for Hyde park. I then met all you guys!!! I only really got chatting with MR ODWIN and a few other fellas at this stage. I must apologise MR ODWIN as I wiped some horrid egg mayo stuff on your favourite piece of paper, I didn't like it! Then everyone moved, I followed and we met EENUH and FLINK! Aww you guys are ace, I enjoyed talking with you until we found the big jelly babies. Miss some bits out now as we weren't with you guys..... And back to the meet at the pub, it took a while to catch up with you but when we did it was awesome!! I wish we'd had more time there so I could have chatted to everyone but hey, there's always next meet The great artistic creations we made in the pub were rather funny! I've enjoyed looking back through them, impregnate me sperm boy was quite possibly the highlight for me. I then spent sometime with COOLNESS BEARS, he was a good giggle and he deserved a medal for putting up with me talking rubbish for 2 hours +! Me, SHORTY, EENUH, FLINK and COOLNESS then left for grub and didn't get chance to say a proper good bye to you all but there'll be next year, looking forward to it already It was nice to see ASHLEY on Sunday too It was an ace weekend :D
  7. Aww I want to play on June 3rd :p but won't have access code, boo. Looks good, the rude trailer was a bit silly though!
  8. I played this a few year ago and thought it was ace! I saw this thread on front page and thought woo! A new ones on it's way but noooo! Oh well made me fancy playing it again!
  9. This looks pretty sweet, reminds me of gold axe in some ways! May have to purchase after getting through all the other games on my todo list
  10. Awesome!! I've just got to the theme park part and really enjoying it!! I've got a Blitzle at level 26 and he's not evolved! I haven't found any stone that I think will do it but is there something I can give him?
  11. I'm in, I'm in I'm sending my list now!
  12. 92. Pipistrelle!! Bats are awesome, look:
  13. Nami

    I Quit

    I want to quit! Just not got the guts up to do it yet but your stories give me a good feeling things could work out if I do So worked in Lush nearly 4 years, great job but been there way to long, and been trying to get out for 7 months and keep messing up interviews partly because I'm so busy around them I can't prepare and one interviewer called me saying we'd love to give you the job but we can't wait for you to work your months notice! Gutted! I can't face another Christmas there so want to hand my notice in in November unless I get lucky and get a job before....eeek, it'd just be so scary! Reading Mr Odwins post just made me think though, if it's making me miserable then there's no point! We shall see, may have a story to add on here soon.
  14. Aww Ashley! I'm there with you buddy! Since my uni days I've generally stopped the 3am bed time so feel an old doddery getting tired at 11ish! I like staying up though just don't have the energy after my days any more, just such a busy bee! I've never done the early mornings but would love to see the wildlife! Where I live I bet there's loads going on, might have to get up real early one morning and go for a wander.
  15. Aww hope this is awesome! Could be epic fail though if they're not careful! I enjoyed the TMNT 07 film which I know was pretty cheesy but I watched it in the right company in a silly mood so had fun!! Raph FTW always
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