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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. All very nice, apart from the shadow on the date (looks out of place) and your name (looks a bit pixelated). So 8/10.
  2. Yes, much of the action scenes/settings etc. were excellent, but
  3. I saw oldboy last night. It's a relatively recent korean film about this guy who gets inexplicably locked up for 15 years, then has 5 days to work out why. It sets up lots of mysteries really well, but the solution at the end (not wanting to spoil anyone) isn't all that brilliant. So overall... 6.5/10.
  4. I think I remember you...
  5. Bring it on... I'll set the curse of oyashiro-sama on you... I'm loving my new wallpaper:
  6. How many DBZ characters does it take to change a light bulb? One, but it takes him 50 episodes.
  7. Okay, I have now seen the history boys and I don't know what the Sunday Times were talking about. It was the best film I've seen in a long time... I'm going to give it 9.5/10.
  8. I you want to do it in photoshop, marquee the place where you want the border and go to edit>stroke.
  9. Here's the source: Now you know why it's so creepy... (rate emasher's sig next)
  10. The triforce looks slightly off centre (although it actually isn't) and you're in need of a border and change in background colour. Otherwise... pretty good. It's got to be better than my first sig.
  11. 7/10: 'tis always good to use an avatar from your sig, especially if the sig is a good one. The only problem (minor) is that samus isn't the right shape for an avatar.
  12. Surely it's an infringement of the kids' freedom to stop them playing tag.
  13. The software was pretty shaky, and it kept getting hacked or developing weird bugs.
  14. First one 8.5/10, as I said earlier, and second 9/10. Second ftw!
  15. Horrible. You're horrible Keiichi-kun! Quoted from (I think) episode 25 of Higurashi... I just like the way Rena says it. Edit: If you want romaji, its: "Hidoi yo. Hidoi yo, Keiichi-kun!"
  16. I don't actually care that they were shut- I was only joking.
  17. That's a pity. Now we can't check how long we were members for, and boast about it...
  18. I remember they gave the first Harry Potter film a low review because of things that were obviously incorrect, like "quidditch is seen entirely from the ground". However, the film wasn't very good.
  19. To be fair: a- my Japanese is dire. b- the only other person on these forums who likes the series is Darkcloud, and he's trying to learn Japanese. c- it sounds poor in English.
  20. Yes, however a film adaptation of an Alan Bennett(sp?) play is the sort of thing that Sunday Times readers would like.
  21. Ooh... that's nicer now, although the stars are a bit bland (I'm not a trekkie, honest ) Anyhoo, 8.5/10.
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