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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. But by admitting that, do you not disprove your own argument?
  2. I know what you mean... apparently it gets interesting at degree level, but that's because by then it's basically pure...
  3. Incidentally, can you taste pain? I can taste certain types of pain, like paper cuts and slaps.
  4. Right, well you presumably have different data categories, like 40<x=<50 etc. Then you assume that every data point is in the middle of its category- for instance, every data point in the 40 to 50 category is 45. So you now have a frequency table. Now, for standard deviation, you need to work out the sum of all squares. This is the sum of f(x - mean)^2, for every x. Then divide by the sum of f and square root. As for range, I'm not entirely sure, but I'd imagine that you take the top and bottom midpoints and subtract the smaller from the larger.
  5. Same! And if you try and claim that Fridays are anything other than light pink, I'll kill you. :wink:
  6. You approximate, by making each datum at the centre of its category.
  7. She's crying... and you're right in that she's an anime school girl. Your cool dinosaur thingy gets 7/10.
  8. Hmm... 6.5/10. It's quite nice, but the lack of text (or anything else, for that matter) in the top left makes it a little unbalanced.
  9. Ah, thank you so much... none of my class could do that question. Don't worry, I'm fine once it gets to the simplified trig thing. I think it's strange that our syllabus uses j instead of i... but I use j all the time so I don't use i by mistake and get it marked wrong. But i is better, because it looks more like 1.
  10. 8/10 I quite like it... a bit simple, but then that's sort of my style. One thing you should do is make the white background transparent.
  11. Well, I've read most of the personality types, and ENTP easily fits me the best.
  12. 9/10. As I said before, very nice. The only (very minor) flaw I can see is that the test at the bottom is slightly hard to read.
  13. I have a nasty question that I just can't work out: (by the way, I'm using j = sqrt(-1)) Solve: (j-z)^n = (jz-1)^n (j-z)/(jz-1) = a , where a = e^(jb) is an nth root of unity. z = (j+a)/(ja+1) But where do I go from here? Apparently it can be rearranged as z = (cosb)/(1-sinb) , but I don't see how.
  14. My sister's obsessed with this... apparently I'm a classic ENTP. http://www.personalitypage.com/ has in depth stuff for all the personality types. By the way, these personality are generally psychologically accepted... so they actually mean something.
  15. Is that C2? I think I remember doing that question.
  16. Seriously, let's not get into an argument about His Dark Materials vs. Lord of the Rings... this thread is about the Dark Materials film. Although personally, I found Lord of the Rings deadly boring.
  17. Ah yes, although they're quite good, they're pretty old and nobody really reads them any more... Sorry, couldn't resist... At least they're available in England. :wink:
  18. Well that's good. Just as long as they haven't changed the message of the film for the sake of a few idiots in America.
  19. The problem (and it's a major one) with this film is that they have removed all the anti-religious connotations.
  20. Does anyone know how to make excel draw a regression line of best fit through a set of points? I downloaded an addon that supposed to do it, but it didn't work quite how I wanted it to. Ideally, I'd like to apply different types of regression to different parts of the curve.
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