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Everything posted by SHUCKLE MAN
Customizable item distributions would solve everybody's problems (and an in-depth one similar to Super Smash Bros. like someone else mentioned). I want lots of blue shells when I'm playing with my friends since I'm so much better than them, it helps even it out, but if you're playing with people that are experienced at the game, the types of people that do time trials, etc. then you'd probably just want more strategic and consistent items like bananas (or no items at all). 64, Double Dash and Wii games all had great mechanics in terms of a skilled player playing with casual gamers imo, I just hope this doesn't have mechanics like the DS game where it's too easy to speed off ahead of everybody, but if it does, at least if there's a lot you can customize everybody can tailor it for their own preferences. On another note, Baby Park from the GameCube game was one of the most chaotic levels ever, and frankly quite hilarious at times imo. I hope we get another track like that.
We haven't seen many blue shells in these videos yet. I know everybody hates them, but I think they're probably the most iconic item from Mario Kart, and the funniest moments when playing with friends are always someone getting angry about being hit by one. Also, nice to see proper drifting back, although I hope it isn't as overpowered as it was in Mario Kart DS. More like in Mario Kart: Double Dash would be good. With Mario Kart DS it was almost getting boring once you got good as you'd play against friends/the computer and you win 100% of the time, because the constant speed boosts got you so far ahead. Back in MKDS when playing against the computer I used to give them massive head starts just to make the game slightly challenging again. I like Mario Kart Wii's mechanics more since I can play with my friends and I won't win every time (especially when you have the items set to Frantic, as there's blue shells and invincibility stars galore!). I hope there's much more customization with the items this time, as in being able to choose the relative frequency of each item. I always thought races where you get triple mushrooms every item box could be fun. I also hope Royal Raceway is in this game. It was my favourite level from the Nintendo 64 game, and it has that huge jump in it which would probably be fun with the gliders.
Wow, I'm going to feel VERY nostalgic if I play that game. I had so much fun playing that game as a child. The game is so aesthetically pleasing too. Plus, I can't wait to hear the soundtrack. The 2nd Boss Battle themes are awesome, as are the themes for Aquas and Zoness. And we can't forget Area 6; that song is huge now. Some of the levels are going to look amazing. I can't wait to see Fortuna.
Well, for me, it's all about the games. The graphics are now good enough on all main consoles that I don't care anymore (and I think as time goes on, more and more people will begin holding a similar viewpoint). I also don't really care about the controllers, as long as they're not atrocious. I loved the Nintendo 64. It had many, many great games, which I still play today. Lylat Wars was my favourite. There was also Pokemon Stadium, Super Mario 64, Zelda, Mario Kart, which I absolutely loved too, and still do now. The Gamecube was really a step down. There weren't so many good games, I thought. Windwaker was fantastic. MKDD was awesome. Super Smash Bros. Melee was the highlight of the console. I enjoyed the many Mario Party games too. That was pretty much it though. I enjoyed it, but I kept wishing I was back in the Nintendo 64 days. When it comes down to the Wii, at first, I was very very disappointed. I thought it might be even worse than the Gamecube. There just weren't enough games. However, travel forward a few years, and I'm more than satisfied! The Wii has been so much fun! It's a shame, because when I tell a lot of people I've got a Wii, it's always the controller they talk about. They're always like "Yeah, the controller is kind of cool", and I usually nod along politely, but it is annoying, when I don't even use the Wiimote most of the time. What about the amazing games!?! On the other hand, the Wii has been awesome in another sense. I remember 10 years ago, wishing that more people could experience the awesome games I play, such as Mario Kart. It sort of makes me happy that Mario Kart Wii is now one of the best-selling video games in history, just because I think the series really deserves that much success, and people understand why I like the games so much now!
I agree that maybe tracks should be more related to the Mario series, rather than random buildings (the way it's going, in the next game, we'll race around an airport and a prison). It'd be nice to see a race in some iconic Mario place, like Bob-Omb Battlefield. I could really imagine that level. Driving up the bridge, past the chain chomp, driving round and up the mountain, dodging the rolling boulders, getting to the top, and hopping in a cannon (like DK Mountain), back to the start. Also, I think after the success of the soundtrack of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, we should probably brace ourselves for music of all types of genres in upcoming Nintendo games.
The water level wasn't that bad, in my opinion, it was just the lighting. I don't really see the point of it being so dark. The bioweapon doesn't need to pollute the water. The bioweapons on Solar and Titania didn't do anything. They were just there, waiting to be destroyed. Another weird thing I found with Aquas was how you did a level underwater (with the water polluted), and then the following level, Zoness, you did a level above polluted water. It just seemed a bit strange to repeat such a similar theme, for two consecutive levels (although Zoness was an amazing level). Also, Sector Z was my favourite level, but I know it's one of the most unpopular. They need to put more enemies on there, because I know a lot of people found it difficult to get 100 kills, especially if they came from Zoness, rather than Sector X.
Yeah, maybe, but I do like the retro tracks, just for the nostalgia and everything, and I think it's nice that many younger Mario Kart players have now played levels like Banshee Broadwalk and N64 Bowser Castle. Plus, in Mario Kart Wii, I actually found that some of the retro levels were more aesthetically pleasing than the newer levels. Levels like Toad Factory, Wario Gold Mine and Grumble Volcano were just too chaotic, and didn't have nice colour schemes, whilst levels like Mario Raceway and Jungle Parkway had me wishing I could actually be IN the game. Obviously, there's no reasons why new levels couldn't look so nice this time around.
Lylat Wars was my favourite game, so I'm VERY excited about this!! It looks so amazing. I do hope they change the game a bit though. Like a few more enemies in Sector Z would be nice. I can't wait to hear the new soundtrack too! Some of the tunes will sound amazing. After hearing some of the revamps they put in Brawl, I expect them to be really good.
I agree. I bought Mario Kart Wii, and the Wii Wheel for £27.99, and I was thinking that it's odd how it's cheaper than some of the DS games!
Does anyone know if there'll be retro tracks in this game? I hope there is, although if so, I'd like to see the SNES tracks revamped a lot better (e.g. take all the blocks around the track out, and replace them with fences, walls, etc. add other scenery in, stretch out the tracks so they're longer and thinner, etc.). I'd love to see Royal Raceway the most personally. Such an amazing level!
Words cannot explain how happy I was when I saw that! Seriously, this E3 has been dozens of times better than last year's!
...Oh dear... I reckon a blind person would be able to play Pokemon well. I mean, yes, the cries can tell you what's what. You can easily memorize what each of your movesets are, you know what attacks are super-effective, and so on. The only bit of the game that I can really see a blind person needing help with are the caves, simply because I think a lot of them are a bit too complex to manouvre around without seeing. The towns, and most of the routes should be fine. You can hear when you bump into something which is useful. In Super Mario Bros, or a game like that, if you bump into something, game over!
Really? I found Claire quite easy. Hopefully they will boost her levels up this time around though, and perhaps give her something like a Gyarados for variety. And, fingers crossed, she'll be using moves like Dragon Dance and Outrage, rather than Dragonbreath like in GSC... That's if they even change the gym leaders' teams. I can see why they wouldn't, but the game was just too easy before. And they did change Giovanni's team in FRLG. The hardest gym leader ever for me would probably be Wattson, in Ruby and Sapphire. I started off with Treecko, so I had no Double Kick or Ember on Combusken, or Mud Shot on Marshtomp. I foolishly didn't have any Fighting types or a Geodude either. The worst thing was, I had no attacks that were not not very effective against Magnemite and Magneton. The only types they don't resist are Fire, Ground, Fighting and Water, and I didn't have those types of moves.
Brock's Pokemon had such low Special stats that Butterfree's Confusion was pretty much super-effective against them. Even Ember wasn't that bad. If you burnt them, you won with no problem. In Yellow, I tended to use Low Kick from Mankey, or Double Kick from Nidoran to beat Brock, although I didn't have a problem with using Tail Whip and Double Team on Pikachu. 6 Tail Whips quadrupled the power of Quick Attack, which made Onix not overly difficult to beat, providing it didn't use Bind (stupid RBY game mechanics)! And, Amnesia Mewtwo was insanely powerful. It is the strongest Pokemon that has ever existed, by far. Arceus may be quite powerful, but it's nothing compared to RBY Amnesia Mewtwo. The only thing that could vaguely stand up to it was Chansey, and Chansey would simply rely on Ice Beam or Blizzard, and hope to freeze Mewtwo.
Well thanks everybody. Also, I hear that Mario Party 8 is very luck-based too, which some find annoying. Yeah, we need a balance of new ideas and repetition of old ideas. I'm annoyed we haven't got another game like Star Fox 64, but on the other hand, I'd be bored if we had another 5 Star Fox games of a similar style.
Yeah, it's a great feeling. Sadly, I have no one to tell that to, because I don't know anybody who has the console! lol.
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Is Mario Party 8 really that bad? I've got Mario Party, Mario Party 2, Mario Party 4 and Mario Party 5, and they are some of my favorite games. Is it the whole series or the particular game that sucks? And is Super Mario Galaxy that good? I got Super Mario Sunshine, and all I could do was compare it to Super Mario 64, so I didn't enjoy it very much. I can't afford to get a mediocre game, so my safest options would be Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii, as I know I'll definitely like those games. I've had every single Mario Kart game since Super Mario Kart and I love them. I've also played all the SSB games. No one else in my family wants them though. They have no idea what they're talking about to be honest. But Nintendo seem to have a habit of trying new ideas, and, generally they fail big time. The reason I like Mario Kart, Mario Party, Pokemon, Zelda, Super Smash Bros, etc. is because the games are the same each time. Look at what's happened to the Star Fox series!
Yeah, I got a Wii for Christmas too. I'm so happy. I've wanted one for years (literally). I can only afford one game though, and I'm stuck between Mario Party 8, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart Wii. I really want all those games, but I think I may get Mario Party 8, as that's what the rest of my family want. But who knows how long it'll be until I can get another game?
Yeah, others get invincibility stars all the time. It's annoying to have to play against these people.
Nah! I was just kidding! Sorry if I worried you. XD Although a lot of the casual members don't know the genders of the admins, except for the couple who make their names widely known.
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Okay, I'm confused. Everyone on SPPf told me you were female, but this photo suggests that you are male...
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I think the whole Hiro-Ando business is similar to the Mohinder-Noah face-off towards the end of season 2. They'll still be good friends,
I'd say Star Fox 2. I've actually played the game and it was awesome!
The DS alone sold more than the PS3 and the PSP and the Wii sold more than the PS3 and xBox 360 put together. Awesome.