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Everything posted by SHUCKLE MAN

  1. You mean like Star Wing 2?
  2. Well, as much as I hate to say it, it does seem like it's travelling that way. I know it will never go 100% casual, as it owes it's existance today to the Mario series, however, as the sales figures demonstrate (and we heard enough about these at the conference on Tuesday), Nintendo's aiming at casual gamers has boosted its profits hugely. In the same way that they'll never stop making Zelda games because they make a lot of money, they'll also aim more and more to casual gamers because, again, it makes a lot of money.
  3. I know what you mean actually. Star Fox has been successful on every console (and Lylat Wars was an enourmous success), so it'd be stupid if we didn't get a Wii one, but not hearing about one yet is disappointing because that means they're probably not far through developing one yet. I'd be slightly excited if they announced Star Fox Wii, but it'd be a 'It's nearly here' excitement. Sort of like with games like Pokemon Platinum, which we knew was definately going to come. It still excited us when it was announced because it meant it was almost 'here'.
  4. Cool. I never liked going on the outside. It's too thin, so if we actually had to go there in a proper race... Let's just say I hating falling off the track in Mario Kart games.
  5. I don't really know what to expect from this though. Fingers crossed it'll be what we've wanted all along...
  6. ^Cool. That'll be fun. Do you have to go on the outside part at any time?
  7. I don't really like N64 Bowser Castle. It's better than it was in MK64, but I still don't like it on the Wii, for various reasons. Super Mario Kart and MK:SC had the best Bowser Castle courses imo, but the one in MK: DD was good too.
  8. I didn't find the SE particularly annoying, although it wasn't as good as Classic mode unfortunately. Talking about Classic mode, I think Melee's was actually better, but oh well...
  9. I think the Pokemon Stadium games had the best soundtrack. Some of the music leaves you awed, and I often thought 'Is this music really in a Pokemon game?'
  10. Well, it's annoyed me, but it's definately a good decision to make overall, however annoyed it makes me. I wouldn't say the baby characters in some of the Mario games were desperate add-ons. I can understand someone saying that about the likes of Baby Daisy, and Toadette was obviously made solely to be Toad's counterpart, but with the likes of Baby Mario, I'm fairly surprised he hadn't appeared earlier to be honest. After all, he did star in a very popular game early on.
  11. I'll be playing the game today (or at least, the PAL version this time). I can't wait. Classic Mode was awesome last time, except for the fact that each level always had characters from the same series like in SSB (e.g. in both games, level 1 was always Zelda characters). I'm still angry that Dr. Mario has been taken out.
  12. Shuckle is my fave (hence my username).
  13. Lylat Wars had tons of good lines. I liked the ones on Titania and Macbeth when Falco ranted on about the sky being better than the land. And also Katt on Zoness, Macbeth and Zoness, when you did something good she said 'Beautiful! I could kiss you for that!' That was total lol when I first heard that.
  14. I wouldn't mind if it was like Star Fox 2 really. Star Fox 2 was all in 'All-range mode', and you could visit planets twice in one game and stuff (they were different each time ofcourse). Star Fox 2 also allowed your ship to turn into a robot briefly, and walk around. That's the closest thing to an on-foot mission that I'd be able to cope with. The main problem with Star Fox 2 was the fact that you could only choose one teammate, out of Fox, Falco, Peppy, Slippy, and two other characters, called Fay and Miyu or something. You could also play as any of those 6 characters and they each had a different ship. I wouldn't mind a game in that fashion, but a Lylat Wars remake would be ideal.
  15. I don't think 2007 was the best year, and I have a feeling that 1983 was put there as a joke... Other than that it looks okay. I'd probably say that 1997 was my favorite year.
  16. Yeah, for it's time it was magnificant. Plus, I see or hear the phrase 'Do a barrel roll!' nearly every day, so it's had some lasting impact on us all.
  17. Well, if we're doing games that everyone/most people have, then I think it may be useful to know that the 10 best-selling N64 games are: 1. Super Mario 64 - 11 million 2. Mario Kart 64 - 8 million 3. GoldenEye 007 - 8 million 4. The Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time - 8 million 5. Super Smash Bros. - 5 million 6. Diddy Kong Racing - 4 million 7. Pokemon Stadium - 4 million 8. Donkey Kong 64 - 4 million 9. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - 3 million 10. Star Fox 64 / Lylat Wars - 3 million The N64 was my favorite console, with Lylat Wars being my favorite game on it. Super Mario 64 would be a safe game to choose if we want a lot of people to take part, as pretty much everyone has that game, but we've had a remake, so many of us will have played an almost identical game relatively recently. Plus, every day is 'Super Mario 64' day, so...
  18. ^That route is probably the most popular route, people always seem to take that one. People also like to go through Katina, but if you do that you can't get on the hard route until Area 6, and you have to do badly on one of the first 2 levels to get to Katina in the first place. It's ashame you can't go from Katina to Zoness. Although, having Bill AND Katt on one level would make Zoness even more chaotic than it already is, around the search-light elimination and Falco's consistent flirting. My favorite level is Sector Z (which also happens to be one of the least popular levels in everybody else's eyes). I don't really know why I like it. I think it's just that I find it quite cinematic, and it is one of the levels that features the most interaction with the other members of your team, and all of you head to destroy each missile one by one (ofcourse, that does complicate things when it comes to the medal, and they steal all your points). I can't express how thrilled I was to see Sector Z in SSB. I was over the moon (no pun intended). My favorite character in the game is Katt, from Zoness, Macbeth and Sector Z (hence my avatar), and that's probably a major reason as to why I like those 3 levels so much. I also particularly like Katina and Area 6 (glad to see the music from this in Brawl). People always say how levels in certain games are epic, but there actually were epic. Venom (if you went there from Bolse on Expert Mode) was very thrilling, although Andross was quite easy. Bolse too, was great, if you didn't pass through Fortuna. This is one of my favorite games ever made, and seeing a demo of it in Brawl made me quite happy. I just love everything about this game, and I would love to have a game just like this on the Wii, but with more levels, longer levels, more characters, etc. This game was made in 1997, and I'm still playing it in 2008. Nintendo seem to want to try something new with some of their series, but I think Star Fox should just revert back to the original formula. It was the best.
  19. The Star Fox series has somewhat dwindled in quality lately. Lylat Wars was my favorite game ever made, and all I want is a game in the same fashion. Except with more levels, longer levels, more alternate routes, more characters, etc. If we don't get a game in the same manner as the earlier Star Fox games, I'd at least like some levels in the style of Katina/Sector Z/Bolse and Zoness/Area 6. I know what I want is probably not what everyone wants, and I can't see them making a game like that again, but Star Fox 64 was so incredibly awesome, I just want a game like it, but better, to play. The main thing I need in a Star Fox game though, is for Katt Monroe to be present (my avatar says it all ).
  20. Basically anything that I know I will find fun. I don't care if it is almost identical to a previous game I've played, as long as I'll find it fun. Music is pretty important, but bad music won't stop me buying a game. In terms of graphics, I don't really care as long as they don't ruin the game, and I think we've got to the stage where the graphics in all new games are good enough for me. Luckily I'm not one of those people that choose a game solely on its graphical capabilities, so I actually have fun when I play a game.
  21. I hope Brain Training breaks the record. It deserves it...
  22. The Wii outselling GTA4 for the PS3 is pretty amusing. Had someone told me the new Nintendo console would be outselling the new GTA game soon after release 2 years ago I wouldn't have believed them.
  23. I've got... Super Smash Bros. Melee Mario Kart: Double Dash!! The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (with OoT) Mario Party 5 Pokemon Colloseum Luigi's Mansion
  24. For a lot of tracks, especially in the older games, they could be easily done backwards. I would have preferred them to be done backwards, as then they seem like a completely different course. And, if they were going to do the tracks backwards too, the designers of the tracks would have taken that into account, and made it possible to do jumps from both ways in their tracks.
  25. Nice to see Nintendo's winning still. And also good to see that MK Wii is able to compete with GTA4.
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