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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. This is just a heads-up. Thanks to the Danes, Eurovision is one week earlier this year, with the first semi-final tonight. Semi-final 1 - 8pm, Tuesday 6 May, BBC3 Semi-final 2 - 8pm, Thursday 8 May, BBC3 Final - 8pm, Saturday 10 May, BBC1 Will there be anything that equals the rhythmic brilliance of this? Or anything to match the sheer, barnstorming nature of this? Probably not, but either way, 7 hours, 25 minutes of Eurovision awaits!
  2. I'd forget the whole "bodily fluids" angle, Rez. Otherwise you might have to stand up in court and explain how you know what it tastes like.
  3. Wildest, you say? Handheld Metroid Dread - Nintendo's acknowledgement of the awesomeness and sheer quality of Fusion/Zero Mission. It would of course be Metroid V, and follow Samus after all that Metroid/X parasite hoo-ha. Dragon Quest XI - The aim of this would be to create another experience like DQ IX - character creation, customisation and optional online modes. We can team up to take on those Legacy Bosses! Console Dragon Quest XII - The aim of this one would be to finally outclass VIII. It would have an enormous overworld, stunning visuals and cheeky characters. The Legend of Zelda - I'm optimistic about this one. When I played Wind Waker, I wondered what the next big jump forward for the series would be. Arguably, with the Wii U being a big jump over GC/Wii, this is the very first time in 12 years or so that sort of leap will be possible. However it turns out, I hope it has shield control and the Mirror Shield. Metroid Prime 4 (or new trilogy) - Whatever I've said about 1st-person versus 3rd-person, I do like Metroid Prime and think it's important for Nintendo's image. I don't think Nintendo is "kiddie", but Prime does help it be seen as "grown-up". Plus, it's a great series in its own right! F-Zero - Nuff said. Ice Climber - An atmospheric game where you have to ascend an enormous 3D mountain. Much spookier than the NES original, you would have to hide from Yetis, find better grappling hooks etc. It would take hours to explore the caves and find hidden routes. If you became injured, wolves might stalk you, but you can frighten them off with flare guns etc. WaveRace: Salty Cove - Bad name, but you get the idea. 1080 Snowboarding: Frozen Assets - As above. Dragon Negotiator - A cross between Shadow of the Colossus and the original Legend of Zelda. Your task would be to save a village from dragons (bad ones) that have been attacking it. Totally non-linear, there would be an enormous overworld to explore, with it possible to locate any of the dragons in any order. You'd be wise, however, to find the Ice Armour before you fought the Blizzard Dragon, or the Fire Shield before you fought the Fire Dragon etc, etc. I'm a pacifist, so the aim would be to negotiate with the dragons first. If that fails... well, you've got a sword. The dragons would wait in their lairs and when you'd battled your way to them (past smaller enemies and dangerous terrain), the fights would last a long time as well, maybe even hundreds of feet in the air as the dragons take off and try to throw you to the ground. Shantae 3D - WayForward putting Shantae into 3D. Really cartoony, with the same sort of tone as the DSi one. Etrian Odyssey V - It's time for this awesome series to go big screen. The polygon graphics are getting better and better, and I just think it might attract some new players on console. ...And when none of that happens, at least we can moan about SNES Remix.
  4. Yeah, I'm finding Normal just the right level of difficulty. This game has been rebalanced very well - in the original, Floor 6 was a massive difficulty spike, but it's smooth in this game. I just think this is an awesome remake. Floor Jump is unbelievably helpful, and certain bits have just become more epic, like the Wyvern's Nest - much bigger, and with the 3D character model of the Wyvern watching you. This series has always been special, but it's getting better and better.
  5. Yeah, exactly. Mars, Venus and Jupiter are the three that are easiest to see with the naked eye. Personally, I can't tell the difference between Venus and Jupiter apart from on occasions when I know one of them is going to be in a certain place. I believe, though, that Venus is the brightest planet we can see.
  6. Finished the 1st Stratum last night. Brilliant, isn't it? Didn't realise how many new enemies there were in the game.
  7. I would be absolutely ecstatic at HD Twilight Princess. I've still got it on GameCube, but there's no remake I'd like more.
  8. I think the free game should be the one you won't want to sell. Even if I already had all the ones I wanted, I think I'd choose my favourite as the freebie and get some money back for the disc.
  9. I've ordered one now, but to me Wind Waker HD and Super Mario 3D World are still the only system sellers (it's very personal, obviously), whereas New Super Mario Bros and Pikmin 3 are essentials once I own the machine. Although Mario Kart 8 does look very good (and I'm getting it with the system), Mario Kart games have always irritated me and I'm hoping I get into this one a lot more. Regarding what the system still needs, to me it's the ones Retro Link mentioned - Metroid, Zelda and F-Zero. Zelda is almost certain, and Metroid has been very heavily hinted-at (I like all Metroid games - it doesn't bother me whether it's 1st- or 3rd-person). Realistically, I don't think there's much chance of F-Zero, but that's the one Nintendo would need if they wanted to show the machine really is for core gamers as much as the GameCube. As long as it gets a Metroid and Zelda though, I'd consider it fairly complete.
  10. Out of interest, did Melee use the analogue triggers? I'm just wondering if, without them, it's possible to fix the reason Brawl was less popular with some.
  11. Really can't wait for this now, especially the idea of playing with the new classes. I wonder if it's possible to play Story Mode then start a New Game + in Classic Mode (there's only one save file), but carry across unlocked classes. Probably is. I'd like to try going through it with certain classes, like the Hexcaster, from the beginning.
  12. I've actually replayed it just for this thread! Metroid Fusion was my 3rd Metroid game - after loving Zero Mission, I wanted more. Back then it was still possible to buy the GBA cartridge, and so I did so without hesitation. I was intrigued by Samus Aran's blue suit, and how different this game looked to the other GBA title. Without wishing to apply rose-tinted glasses to this era, it was a time when Nintendo knew exactly how to make their games fresh but familiar - Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine - just the right amount of difference, whilst still keeping the core appeal of each franchise. Metroid 4 is more story-driven than previous games in the series. In fact, I don't say this lightly, but it is arguably Nintendo's best-ever achievement with in-game storytelling. From the moment Samus sets foot of the space station, the player becomes totally involved in the situation. Throughout the game, Samus and the villainous SA-X's exploration of the construct never fails to drive the plot - dangerous specimens, rogue experiments, security robots - it always feels relevant to the gameplay. What's particularly impressive is the way the story is told - a distant noise here and there, a shadow streaking across the screen, the scenes where Samus is forced to hide from the SA-X - it's an absolute masterclass in in-game storytelling. The focus on storytelling does come at a price, however, which leads me to Metroid Fusion's infamous linearity. Although I think the linearity is somewhat exaggerated - after all, you are constantly having to find hidden routes - it's true that the game has a rigid structure, which manifests in a combination of guidance and restriction. Whilst I welcome the guidance, the restriction causes more of an issue. Doors are frequently being locked behind Samus, which is frustrating if you wanted to explore an area different to the one the game is telling you, or even if you just want to go back to the one you were just in. This can be especially frustrating if you find yourself at one of the more difficult boss fights or SA-X encounters and wish you had found more Energy Tanks. It's not true to say there aren't moments when you can explore as much as you like, but you do rather have to know the game's structure somewhat. The one negative aside, Metroid 4 is about as close to perfection as you can fit on a GBA cartridge. It plays like a dream from the beginning - accessible and easy to play, but not actually an easy game. The sound effects are my personal favourites from the series - I often fire off Samus's arsenal just to hear them! And the graphics are superb - I must admit, I never noticed how rich the replica of SR388 was until @Dcubed mentioned it, but it is like something out of the SNES's heyday. There aren't many games that I like enough to play more than twice, but Metroid Fusion fits the bill. I've played it a couple of times on the GBA, a couple of times on the 3DS, and will also get it for the Wii U. Metroid 4 is beginning to sit alongside games like Super Mario World and Sonic the Hedgehog, which are as familiar to me as an old friend. It's not just a great Metroid game, but one of the very best 2D games ever created. 9.5 - Masterpiece
  13. I feel like we're going back to the GameCube days (in the best possible way). With Mario Kart 8, they've definitely saved the right game for their marketing budget, and combined with this new promotion, I really think the Wii U is going to take off now. Thanks to you, I have now joined the Wii U Club! Very tempted by Pikmin 3 or New Super Mario Bros as my free game, but will go for Wind Waker HD as I know I'll never want to sell it (have still got my GC disc, after all!) Will buy them on disc anyway, and of course am looking forward to 3D World! Now, as a fogey, I'm a bit confused. I've linked my 3DS to my Club Nintendo account, and have also recently got a Nintendo Network ID. When I get my Wii U, should I port across my Wii Virtual Console games first? Then, do I have to link it to my Club Nintendo account, or just my NNID?
  14. I know this is only anecdotal evidence, but I've met too many gamers in real life who play Zelda for me to consider it niche. One thing they all have in common though is that they couldn't really be bothered with the Wii or motion controls. The DS ones were quite nice, but hardly hype-inducing. Link Between Worlds was even better but, again, not really hype-inducing. This isn't meant to be inflammatory, but honestly, the last one they deserved to have a significant amount of hype for was Twilight Princess. (Ocarina of Time 3D and Wind Waker HD were 100% right, but a remake is still a remake.) Not that I mean to be negative at all - I fully believe Nintendo can show us an exciting Zelda again, and if they sell 5m copies, I think that's not bad at all.
  15. AWESOME! Most excited about the company I've been since WW HD itself was announced. Nintendo has got it going on at the moment, I tell thee!
  16. Yes, I totally agree. Risky's Revenge and the two Mighty Switch Force games are my favourites.
  17. WayForward are awesome! There may well be a big difference between their own projects and their licenced output, but that's to be expected. Assuming we are talking about their own projects, the individual components - sprites, controls, music - are unparalleled; it's just that their games are often considered shorter or less "full" than others. However, I do agree there's no actual need for WayForward to make Metroid V. Nintendo are perfectly good enough - it just depends whether or not they have the inclination to do so.
  18. Although I like a stage show, it does sound as though Nintendo realises a normal Nintendo Direct is not quite enough for E3. I honestly think the Digital Event will be well-scripted, funny and entertaining. With Zelda almost confirmed and so many hints dropped about Metroid, as long as the actual games themselves look good, this could be an awful lot better than many of their live shows.
  19. What a great paragraph. For me, this is exactly what's been missing for almost a decade now. When I played games like Wind Waker I couldn't wait to see where it would go next, but from Wii onwards, I've felt like there wasn't much of a "grand vision" for each franchise at all (Super Mario Galaxy could be the exception). I was pleased when Nintendo finally debuted some really good hardware (after all, the Wii U is a big hardware jump from GC/Wii), but I thought there would be more ambition from the games themselves. Also, art style is the first thing you notice from the initial trailer. It might not have much effect on how much you enjoy the final game (then again, it might - everyone's different), but it is a big factor in how excited people get in the first place.
  20. I've got a feeling they will simulate a stage show, so it's a bit more of an event than a normal Nintendo Direct.
  21. I actually loved that! Nintendo is putting out a very cool vibe at the moment, so it bodes well for E3.
  22. OK, thanks, I'll just buy a bigger SD card then. Didn't realise you could copy the data in a straightforward way - I thought there might have been a lengthy process, like transferring data from one 3DS to the other.
  23. Really not sure what to do now - either delete some games or buy a bigger SD card. As much as it goes against the grain to delete something valuable, I can't see myself playing Code of Princess or Animal Crossing again, and they would free up a lot of space. Known eShop titles I want to download: Conception II Cave Story Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Shovel Knight 3D Classics OutRun 3D Classics Afterburner
  24. I used to cheat all the time with the Mega Drive, and honestly can't remember which games I completed legitimately, although I certainly don't think I ever played Shinobi without infinite shuriken or Golden Axe/Altered Beast without infinite lives/continues etc. When you're a kid you just want to bask in the enjoyment of the game. It's probably a purer and more honest form of enjoyment, in a way, because you're genuinely doing it for fun, not a challenge. Whilst I don't do that now, I certainly approve of Easy modes - they actually make more sense to me than Hard modes. Normal mode should be the perfectly-balanced game that the developers intended, whereas Easy offers a way for people who can't handle that. Hard is, almost by definition, too difficult and the "Hero Mode" in Skyward Sword, for example, leaves me knowing I didn't master the game. Another great, modern, way of cheating is Restore Points. I wouldn't have been able to complete Zelda II (amongst others) without them. You still have to be able to do everything properly, just not in a perfect sequence.
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