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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. I've got approximately 350 moons and am taking a break now myself. It's one of the most intense games I've played for ages - maybe too intense for me nowadays, to be honest! I prefer something more sedate, like a nice, turn-based RPG. Good thing Etrian Odyssey V arrived!
  2. My copy arrived today, with a nice little art book actually in the game case. Anyone else got this digitally or physically?
  3. Yeah, Sunshine did feel difficult at the time (if I recall correctly, it was widely seen as a negative), but I am proud to have 100% completed it. The two I couldn't 100% complete were Galaxy 2 and 3D World, which I somewhat resent, to be honest. It's a shame, but this game has reminded me how important camera control is. Just little things like the skipping rope reminded me how much I like choosing the perfect angle. Wow.
  4. There's one thing I don't understand about motion controls - do you actually have to use them in order to get some of the moons? There's an early one in the first world where you seemingly have to turn into a frog and get it, but the standard frog jump isn't high enough. I do I need to use motion controls for the higher jump, or is there an alternative?
  5. I still really need to catch up with Axiom Verge and Stardew Valley. I suppose I could fit in the former after Mario Odyssey, but the latter is one I don't want to get into until I've finished with everything else. Then I need to cast my eye over any Neo Geo releases I've missed - certainly interested in Roddy & Cathy.
  6. Doing well in the post-game...
  7. I've now set the credits rolling myself, and I utterly loved this game. So many moments had me laughing out loud or grinning from ear to ear. It's the perfect example of how to have lots of exploration but with a strong, focused adventure forming the backbone of it. Naturally, there is also loads of post-game content. The story was very strong. Super Mario Odyssey had me feeling more emotion than other games that perhaps take themselves more seriously, because the themes were so human. It worked that the villains were genuinely bad, rather than the more light-hearted "Bowser and his sons" we've had recently. The Broodals were loathsome, and Bowser more of a big bully than ever, which made it all the more satisfying to bash them! This isn't just Nintendo magic, it's Nintendo genius. I'm thrilled to have a Mario I can truthfully say is my favourite - leaps and bounds above Sunshine, even - and it's proof Nintendo has everything at the moment, including that sense of directorship I mentioned in @Ronnie's thread. On this basis, I can barely imagine how good Metroid Prime 4 might be, and on a personal note I'd love a really traditional Zelda with BotW's engine. Positive times for Nintendo indeed.
  8. That's throwing down the gauntlet. (Tries to improve on my 30+...) I'd say it is that clear leap over 64 and Sunshine. Just from the way it's built and how much is going on. But then again, I thought Breath of the Wild was a huge leap over the other Zeldas; just not as good. Even now I think it's more overrated than overhyped, as I remember the excitement when playing it for the first time. It was very real. I loved doing the Korok Seed puzzles; it was just finding them that was the problem. There definitely should have been a feature for that regardless of paid DLC. I love the fact in Odyssey that you can just keep stumbling across Power Moons, whereas others take more effort. It keeps that sense of reward going.
  9. I'm always saying I like to see technology used to create experiences that weren't possible before. Well... I don't know how much grunt it really took, but it's exactly the sort of leap I was hoping for after the GameCube. It's this sort of thing that I love.
  10. It's been an amazing year for Nintendo. I'm just repeating many of your points, @Ronnie, but there has been a huge new Mario and Zelda, the return of Metroid, great hardware, good indie support (and parity) and prominent advertising. Nintendo has worked out how to be genuinely cool without being forced to keep up with the hardware spec of Microsoft and Sony. But I must relegate 2017 to 2nd-best, purely based on software quality. What's great about now is that Nintendo has a generation of programmers who can make technically-impressive games again. They're in a much better place than they were during the Wii and Wii U years, but the one thing they slightly lack is that sense of authorship and directorship they had at their true zenith. In that regard, I must say 2002 was the best. I'm loving Mario Odyssey and so far think it's a match for Sunshine. As for the others... Breath of the Wild was staggeringly impressive and genuinely awesome in the literal sense, but for me it doesn't match the whole vision or gameplay of Wind Waker. Samus Returns was great to have, but doesn't quite match Fusion, and in 2002 we had Prime as well. So a great year indeed, but not quite the best software. The best thing though is that 2017 has proved many gamers have a genuine love for Nintendo. When we criticised during the Wii years, it's because we meant it, not because we had a bias against the company. If anything, we have a bias towards the company and just yearned for the days when they were going to soar to great heights again, like they are thankfully doing right now.
  11. I've been playing this much of the day and, assuming the structure is similar to Mario 64, am about 1/3 of the way through. From what I've played so far, I think it's utter genius. This is exactly what I want from a 3D Mario. The graphics and music are top class, and I've even turned HD Rumble on! Loved the '60s-style "flower power" music, which brought a smile to my face and made me think of Austin Powers. I probably enjoyed the tank bits in that world than anything I've played for years. I know I'm not the most skilled player, but it's not too easy for me at all. So far it's the perfect balance of linearity and exploration - fun all the way and not a moment's boredom. I love the way it has a clear theme of a travel odyssey and trying to stop a wedding - you can see where it's heading, and it's great. It's definitely my favourite Mario since Sunshine, and might even surpass it.
  12. There is probably more pressure to score a new Mario 10/10 than any other game series (certainly Nintendo series). Until very recently it was almost completely untainted. You never know, some of those reviewers might be thinking "I wish we had guts like N-Europe! I thought it was 7/10 really." My copy of Odyssey hasn't arrived yet - I might love it, I might dislike it or I might agree with the 8/10. But one thing's for sure - you do have to judge the game from beginning to credits. I started out thinking Breath of the Wild was 10/10 (and it is that amazing), but as an overall game? No, I didn't think it had the gameplay hook for that.
  13. It still stands out for me. Whilst many eShop games, however good, do still feel "indie", this one is a class act from beginning to end. The hand-drawn visuals might actually be the best I've seen, and I love the fact you can unlock video clips of the orchestra recording the soundtrack. Controls and plays like a dream too.
  14. Spot on, @Mr-Paul. I think eventually, what you've posted will become the consensus with Breath Of The Wild, just like there is (generally) a consensus with all the others. Those who love it now will continue to love it, but to me the main criticisms we keep hearing are undeniable. I think I would still like to replay it more than Skyward Sword (mainly from a convenience point of view), but I don't think it has the core gameplay hook of the others.
  15. Yeah, I think I agree (at least comparing original to original)... I'm really hoping they remake that one.
  16. I say the same to everyone, but I honestly think Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a class above everything else I've played. Doesn't use diagonals either, so the Switch's d-pad is fine.
  17. Maybe, but having to do everything perfect in one go (which is what they were) is frustrating in a very unique way.
  18. I preferred 64 and Sunshine too. They felt more enjoyable to 100%, whereas I couldn't quite shake the slight feeling of "overhyped" with the Galaxy games (which were very, very good, but almost mandatory to love). Actually, I did manage to 100% complete Galaxy, but could never get Star 242 in Galaxy 2, which annoyed me. Similar with 3D World - I couldn't do the hardest two challenges in those and find them extremely frustrating. Who knows what the difficulty of Odyssey will be like, but I'm pleased to see it at least seems more similar to 64 and Sunshine.
  19. Reminds me very much of the graphics in Beyond Oasis 2/Story of Thor 2.
  20. I like rumble and thought I was going to love HD Rumble, but however far we are down the line from Switch's launch, I've turned it off. Now I'm sure there have been instances where I was impressed with it (probably Breath Of The Wild or simply the console's UI - because I haven't really played anything else "big"), but most of the time it just feels like an overly intense rumble. The Switch vibrates like crazy! I'm not really sure why developers are misjudging it so much, and I love the fact that Nintendo was trying to make games more immersive in this way, but maybe it needs another stage of evolution. At the moment I make it the exception to turn it on, rather than the exception to turn it off.
  21. I downloaded it yesterday but haven't played it yet. Now personally this is how I think a dual download/retail release should be done. The download is £10 cheaper than retail (I think), which compensates for the lack of resale value. I would love to play Tiny Barbarian too, but I couldn't make my mind up because of the £26.99 price.
  22. Switch is amazing. It's one of those consoles where I feel you have to be along for the ride. Sure, it costs more money to be on board now, but there's just been so much to keep up with. The interface is indeed very fast and intuitive. It basically does everything I want, and it's easy to work out how to do it.
  23. Nintendo sure has their mojo at the moment! 2017 has been a bit hard to believe, to be honest.
  24. I wasn't particularly interested in this game, but I saw a demo was available, downloaded it and... I like it a lot more than I expected! It's a bit strange you have to play as a girl when it's a character as generic as "Spelunkette", and also a bit of a shame you actually have to jump onto a rope, rather than grab it as you fall past, but it's good overall. It's also a bit strange that the demo ended after I had perfected 1-1, but via restarting it I could get to 1-2 (is it timed?) Anyway, I'm not sure if I will buy it, but I'm definitely interested now.
  25. No, it's not on-rails like those. If it was, and it used credits like a true arcade game, it would be better. It would also be better if it was a true Metroidvania with permanent upgrades, but unfortunately it's not that either. The best way to describe is as one large play area (or "maze") that you move back and forth around, locating and defeating bosses. You do power up your weapon and sub-weapon in a similar way to R-Type, but when you get a Game Over you lose everything apart from the shortcuts you've made by defeating the bosses. You can spend hours gathering your weapons again (which seem to get placed further and further away from you), then failing at a boss and repeating the process. Extreme caution advised.
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