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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. Out of interest, when they say something ends 30th September, does that include up to midnight of that day?
  2. Thanks to this I was able to 100% complete it last night. I keep meaning to collect my thoughts on it, but it was a truly awesome game.
  3. It was long for me. What I meant is that I'm surprised anyone can complete it quickly. One thing's for sure - getting the Speed Run will be a lot more difficult than 100% completion. EDIT - Ah, wait a minute... I think I've just figured out how to get through those red spikes and obtain the remaining items.
  4. It does. It's primarily Mystery Dungeon, not Pokémon.
  5. Not for me. I've got most of the equipment but can't work out some in Areas 4, 5, 6 and 7. The main thing I can't work out is how to get through the red spikes.
  6. It's the eye icon. Either that or frame your text with [ SPOILER= ] [ /SPOILER ] (without the spaces). But yes, I finished it last night and I too am surprised at how it could be completed quickly.
  7. OK, here are mine: 1. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Nintendo at its zenith 2. Metroid Fusion - Metroid never got better... 3. Metroid: Zero Mission - ...apart from perhaps this 4. Animal Crossing: New Leaf - a genuinely involving experience 5. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - I've played it quite recently and it really does hold up. The peak example of 2D Zelda. 6. Fire Emblem: Awakening - easily amongst the best on the 3DS 7. Super Mario World - Mario at its 2D best 8. Super Mario Sunshine - the most appealing 3D Mario 9. Pilotwings Resort - One of the most amazing Nintendo experiences I've had. Would be a great franchise to revisit in VR. 10. F-Zero GX - a GameCube classic
  8. I'm glad I bought Metal Slug 2 the other day. Darn.
  9. Hopefully the digital version will be updated to the Ultimate Edition as well.
  10. It definitely fluctuates in Kav's. PS - Sorry, I feel partly responsible for the chaos in this thread.
  11. Darn it, I can't think of a 10th game from a franchise I like enough to include. I can think of 2x Metroid, 2x Zelda, 2x Mario, a Fire Emblem, an Animal Crossing and an F-Zero, but nothing else.
  12. Yeah, I personally think 10 games each, max two per franchise is a great formula for this.
  13. That one is this game's Meta Ridley, I think. Very tough but cool.
  14. Sincere thanks to @Nicktendo for starting it off, but I must admit I am struggling to fully understand the rules. Could we not each post a Top 10 and have a tally of how many times each game gets mentioned?
  15. I do agree with a lot of that. Using the analogue stick for movement is not ideal at all, and took a lot of getting used to, personally. This game does have its claws in me though. There is something impressive, but not all that loveable about it, sort of like Metroid Prime. I don't know if it's just because it's my first time through, but it feels a bit too much like a hard slog. Yep, definitely. My two favourites are easily Fusion and Zero Mission, whilst Other M does have that "lovability" I mention.
  16. Yeah, I think it seems a bit underpowered. I sometimes switch back to the normal beam. I do like that one, but not sure I fully understand the second one I've found. Great game though - quite possibly my game of the year.
  17. Wow, this is a good game. This is the sort of game you know is going to be great just from the beginning. I appreciated not having to watch too many story scenes; just the traditional Metroid intro with that spine-tingling music. I'd have preferred 2D graphics but that doesn't mean the polygon graphics are bad, they're just not my personal preference. They are, however, the best the 3DS can do and I must admit they help with the atmosphere. Darn, it's spooky. I'm not far in and already it's thrown so many endorphin-boosting moments at me - not necessarily "thrills", but just the way you learn how it's played and even get a few upgrades. Why can't all games be like this?
  18. It's one of those games where if you like the look of it, you'll probably like it. I can't say I've played much of it so far, but it reminds me of when I'd have my mates round and we'd play all the 2-player games. I reckon it's gonna be up there with Metal Slug and Shock Troopers as great for that.
  19. Does anyone else feel guilty challenging the villagers to a duel? They're so much weaker than you, it just feels wrong! Still, perhaps it's part of the story to build them up.
  20. Yes, a very loveable game. I had a feeling that many would like it even more than I did. If you're a Mega Man fan it's a dream come true! This week, I downloaded Spin Master, which is an absolutely brilliant Neo Geo game, similar to Joe & Mac: Caveman Ninja. Really feels like you have your own Data East coin-op. Also, my review of Double Dragon IV is up. This is a curious game. From reading around, some really liked it and others thought it was poor. For what it's worth, I felt it was average, but there's no doubt hardcore NES Double Dragon fans can get something out of it: N-Europe Review As ever, thanks to @S.C.G for the image and link.
  21. Anyone else feel really busy with games at the moment? Completed Double Dragon IV and just finishing my review Ordered Metroid: Samus Returns Got to max-out my team to level-10 in the Etrian Odyssey V demo Going to download Spinmaster Probably going to buy Quest of Dungeons Project Octopath Traveller demo That's at least four to play from today onwards!
  22. Ugh, I must admit my opinion is higher now I know there were two demos out immediately after the event. Downloaded Etrian Odyssey V and Octopath Traveller but haven't even touched the latter!
  23. Nice! I can build my team before the full game's out.
  24. Hmm, I was a bit underwhelmed overall. Lots of the games do look quite good, but I just didn't want to know that much about them. Highlights for me: Etrian Odyssey V coming to Europe Project Octopath Traveller Dragon Quest Builders Biggest disappoint was seeing the Arcade Archives teaser and it only being for Nintendo's very old coin-ops. Hamster has games like Bad Dudes, Double Dragon and Bubble Bobble, which I'm far more eager for. Super Mario Odyssey looks fantastic, and as over-the-top for a Mario as Breath of the Wild was for a Zelda. I do wonder if it just has too many ideas in it, but we'll see. I love the idea of going on an odyssey in a giant hat. I was watching with the sound down, but did I hear correctly that Etrian Odyssey V is getting a demo? Did anyone catch the date?
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