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About Beast

  • Birthday 06/25/1990


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  1. This definitely isn't the strongest Who BUT there were a few great episodes that reminded me of the Who I watched since I was 14. The mine one, 72 yards(?) and the final two were great. Less is more sometimes and the first two proved that. The space babies, Bridgerton, the music one and the social media one was terrible. The social media one had a decent story but the fact she kept walking in front of a table and stuff was annoying and the whole "racist" moment, for me, felt too...forced and unexplored and there for cheap points of virtue signalling or something. Loved the Doctor and loved Ruby. Thought they were great. I just wished for better stories and episodes for them.
  2. I've not heard good things about it. I basically heard it's pretty much like the first one but drags on. I may still watch it though because I don't mind a slow-burner as long as something's going on.
  3. I didn't really play the original DS games so it's probably coming from that place. I played all of the Game Boy ones and then picked it up again from the 3DS ones and even then, I never played Sun/Moon...only X/Y, which I enjoyed.
  4. I got Brilliant Diamond and I have to say, I'm very impressed with it. I'm also shocked that there's people out there who don't like it. I found this way more enjoyable than Sword/Shield.
  5. I bought this very recently in my quest to get all the Pokémon in Pokémon Home (thanks to those who helped) and honestly, I really prefer this look. If they remade the earlier games like this, I'd be all over this like a rash. Also, am I the only one who doesn't have any issues with these games?! 😂 I started with Chimchar (I think that's his name?) because I like a fire starter (twisted fire starter) and my rival's name is Slag.
  6. I can understand why people choose GB2 (the courtroom scene for me will be the greatest and the outbreak scene too) but for me, 1984 has me in a chokehold with its quotes, charm and humour. The second one does have its moments, don't get me wrong, but I feel like 1984 has this perfect blend of comedy which both kids and adults can enjoy, supernatural horror and wit. For me though, GB2's ending kind of ruins it. It just didn't feel much like a fight. I don't know. It was a bit underwhelming in that respect but I do love the movie anyway because it's Ghostbusters and it's nice seeing the gang together. But if I had to choose between the two, 1984 all the way. Actually, for me, having rewatched all of them, if I had to rank them... 1984 > Afterlife > Frozen Empire > GB2 > 2016
  7. So if I was purely going for a complete Pokedex, Diamond and Pearl on the Switch is the way to go...
  8. Genuinely that has made the most sense than when I read it elsewhere. Could I not get a code of Pokémon Red or Blue and download it that way or...by other means... Then again, and correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee technically Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow remade Pokémon Go style?
  9. That's very interesting to know. So whatever I catch on any of the games, I can use them in other games, right? I read that something is going to happen to Pokémon Home. Is it going to something? For me though, it's more of a completion thing. Like I want to play through the games but catch the Pokémon within that game as well as complete the story.
  10. I really think there should be a Pokédex app where every Pokémon in every game is on it for you to tick off! That would be awesome!
  11. I've decided I'm truly going to try and catch 'em all and play through all of them. Is there an app or something of some kind where I can track them? I'm playing from Red onwards.
  12. It's better to say something than suffer in silence though, dude. I feel you, mate. If you did want a bit of a chat or something, I'm here. I have Discord now as well and know a bit better on how to work it than I did before, haha.
  13. And then someone sings "I am Moana, tu?"
  14. I have two episodes left...I think...
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