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Everything posted by Dante

  1. I also read Shingeki No Kyojin.
  2. Its only for 3DS third parties.
  3. Who Made Aliens? Here’s What We (Sorta) Know Bet Sega wished they killed this than Obsidian’s finished Aliens RPG, PG games and others.
  4. Ghost in the Shell Arise: OP: Trailer:
  5. Soundtrack samples are online. My favorite sample tracks are; 1 Rules of Nature (Platinum Mix) 5 A Stranger I Remain (Maniac Agenda Mix) 9 A Soul Can't Be Cut (Platinum Mix) / [DLC Version] 11 It Has to Be This Way (Platinum Mix) 12 The War Still Rages Within
  6. Well one of them is revamp of two-off issue from the 70's.
  7. Windfall island has been taken over by the French?
  8. The person that producer them games is Toshihiro Nagoshi.
  9. New trailer showing the bosses Mistral's Theme Audio
  10. Grasshopper best selling game is Lollipop Chainsaw with over the 700,000 mark (WW).
  11. Anyone been watching jojo bizarre adventure? Also Ghost in the Shell returns with Ghost in the Shell Arise.
  12. Screens: Good looking game mixed with Killer 7 and No More Heroes.
  13. Kotaku does it again with "So then, what, Bayonetta 2 added the Wii U and lost the PS3 and 360 as platforms? OK." from article "Bayonetta 2 Going to Wii U Isn’t a Platform Change, from Its Creator’s Certain Point of View". So much over the top rage over this.
  14. Rory's phone changer is in the picture. In A Town Called Mercy, the Doctor chastises Rory about that time he accidentally left his phone charger in Henry VIII's bedroom. Also the opening theme now has colours changed quite drastically plus chirstmas song and flicking chirstmas lights.
  15. The Verge - 'Bayonetta 2' would not exist without Nintendo, says Platinum Games And here is Kotaku article titled "Actually, It is Kinda B.S. That Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U Exclusive".
  16. English version is out.
  17. Scans: Odd thing in the magazine is a screenshot saying "Year 1492 of the Gregorian Calender", which neogaf users think is some kind of parallel world shenanigans occurring.
  18. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure I cant wait for this to air.
  19. TGS 2012 Trailer:
  20. TGS 2012 Trailer:
  21. The current theme of this series is opening credits are getting darker each episode, flickering lightbulbs and the mention of christmas in every episode.
  22. New trailer:
  23. Retconning Robin Out Of Teen Titans #1 In new 52 DC Tim Drake aka Red Robin was known as Batman's boy wonder
  24. So some of the single player mode is controlling a this bug called Murphy than Rayman it makes me think if Ubisoft is hiding stuff about Zombi U.
  25. Im wondering if these are the same people that bash the first game for being sexist also the first game didnt even sell well on PS3/360. People are acting like it is COD or GTA5 and the IP belongs to them.
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