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Everything posted by MATtheHAT

  1. Nintendo's new screenshots release. All 178 of them!!! http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=182834
  2. T shirt for me Hols.
  3. *Sticks his neck out for lots of "Roger the cabin boy" jokes*
  4. It would not surprise me if Nintendo were holding off for the Pay n Play with Brawl. Just so they can get it right up there to the hilt. Ouch.
  5. Every time i read through a thread and see a post by you, i always stop for a few seconds to admire your sig. 10/10
  6. Pre-ordered my copy, booked that friday off work, gonna throw a sickie on the Monday as well as I know the entire weekend will be all about MKWii.
  7. Because of the different power boost mechanic, i.e, the longer you hold the drift, then the faster the boost you will get. Snaking is impossible. EDIT: Stefkov beat me to it.
  8. I will be on around that time, although for some reason I keep getting disconnected after about 15 minutes. Whats your username?
  9. Your right, this aint no Halo beater. But its still fun all the same, and the control is fantastic, not quite on the same level as corruption, but close.
  10. Gonna set up a room tonight with a password for us. Password - neurope
  11. Now that I have more than 15 posts, I can post a link to the SSBM boxart if anybody is interested in downloading it. http://fc04.deviantart.com/fs16/f/2007/202/d/5/Custom_SSBM_box_by_wavedashdoc.png
  12. I have no soul, Lol.
  13. I am not 'making anything out', nor have I 'got a problem'. I simply stated that i hope they leave snaking in, then you come on all 'stuff you', so who has the problem? But, meh, even if there was no snaking it would still be an awesome game. And, to be honest, I think the battle mode will be where its at.
  14. Agreed. That way it will keep all players in the game, yet still let the player with the highest skill level win.
  15. Lol, Casuals eh? With the return of the blue shells and Mario Karts way of giving the person at the back of the pack the best items, it is possible for a complete noob to win an expert player. Wheres the skill in that? I know it will be more fun if everyone has the oppertunity to win, but they should include at least an online option to turn snaking on/off for the race you want to be in. So stuff your casual gaming opinion.
  16. I hope snaking will be included, IMO it allows for a gamer to be distinguished from a 'casual'.
  17. Good game mate, we will have to have a good session at the weekend. (Damn work in the morning)
  18. I'm in. :)
  19. My Avater is a pic of a Japanese motorcycle exhuast manufacturer - POP_Yoshimura. I have one fitted to my GSXR. And i like the Japanese writing and style, I thought it fitted well into a Mario Kart theme, IDK?
  20. Wait, you don't know who the Patster is? That man is a Legend. The Fish - Nice Avvy, I like the relevance to your username. 8/10.
  21. Thought so.
  22. Am I the only one who could not care less about Brawl, but am sooooo looking forward to MK?
  23. Just bought this game off fleabay, can't wait to play it. Probably take it immediately online and get my arse kicked.
  24. I will be on tonight.
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